Macy's Barn Cat
Macy’s E’ggwanika kkapa


Nothing is impossible with GOD!! Luke 1:37
Kubanga buli kigambo kiyinzika eri KATONDA!! Lukka 1:37


I love cats!
Ngyagala Kkapa!

Do you love cats too?
Nawe oyagala Kkapa?

My Grammy loved cats, but my Papa didn't like cats at all.
Jjajja wange omukazi yayagala nnyo kkapa, naye Jjajja wange omusajja yalitayagala kkapa yadde.

Just before I was born, my Papa went to heaven. So, when I was 3 years old, my mommy gave her mother, Grammy, her own cat as a Christmas present.

Tuukirivu Mumaaso nga sinazaalibwa, Jjajja musajja yagenda muggulu. Ate, bwenali nga nina emyaka 3 egyobukulu, maama wange yawa maama we, Jjajja mukyala, kkapa eyiye ng’ekirabo kya ssekukkulu.



Grammy named her Calico cat, Spade. Spade loved my Grammy but she did not like me. I was not kind to Spade.

Jjajja mukyala yatuuma kkapa ye eya malekaani,Kitiiyo. Kitiiyo yayagala nnyo Jjajja mukyala naye nze teyangyagala

When I came to visit my Grammy at her house, Spade would hide from me under a table or deep behind the sofa.

Bwenajja okukyalira Jjajja wange omukyala ewaka we, Kitiiyo yanekweka nga. Nagendanga wansi w’emmeeza oba wanvu wemabega w’ekitebe.

When she would hide, I would crawl under the sofa after her and try to pull Spade out by her paws so I could hold her.

Bweyekweka nga, nayavuliranga wansi w’ekitebe nga mugoberera era ngangezaako okusikka ekigere kya Kitiiyo nga mufulumya wabweru nsobole okumukwata.

When I held her, I squeezed her very tightly because if I didn’t, Spade would jump out of my arms and run away.

Bwenamukwata nga, namunyigiriza nga kubanga bwe sakikola, Kitiiyo yandi buuse nava mu mikono gyange nadduka.

Most cats will scratch or bite or hiss to make you stop. Spade didn't scratch or bite or hiss, but I would not stop trying to catch her.
Kkapa ezisinga ziyagula oba okuluma oba okwesooza okusobola okukomya. Kitiiyo teya yagula oba okuluma oba okwesooza, naye salekerawo kugezaako kumukwata.

When my Grammy went to heaven to be with Papa, I wanted Spade to be mine. But we had a very big dog named Sam.

Jjajja wange omukyala bweyagenda muggulu okubeera ne Papa, Nayagala Kitiiyo abeere wange. Naye twayina embwa enene nnyo nga eyitibwa Sam.


Our Dog Sam

 Sam was a German Shepherd and he loved to chase cats. We named our dog Sam after Samson in the Bible who was very strong. Sam, our dog, was strong and protected our family.

Sam yali Omugiri maani Omusumba era yayagala nga nnyo okuyigga kkapa. Twatuuma embwa yaffe Sam ngatusinziira ku Samusooni mu Baibuli eyali ow’amaanyi ennyo. Sam, embwa yaffe yali yamaanyi era yakuumanga amakagaffe.

German Shepherds are good dogs and our Sam was an outdoor dog with thick oily fur.

Omugiri maani Omusumba mbwa nungi era Sam waffe yali mbwa yawabweru ng’eyina esava y’ebyoya ery’efuta.

Since we couldn't keep Spade inside because my brother is allergic to cat fur and Spade wasn't safe outside with Sam, God found her a new home. A nice lady at our church took Spade because she loved cats too.

Kubanga twali tetusobola kutereka Kitiiyo munda kubanga mwanyinaze obwoya bwa kkapa bwali bumuyisa bubi ate nga Kitiiyo teyalina bukuumi wabweru ne Sam, Katonda yamufunira amakka amagya. Omukyala omulungi ku kkanisa yaffe yatwala Kitiiyo kubanga naye yayagala nnyo Kkapa.


Not having Shade to visit made me want a cat so much and I'd cry. So, I asked my dad and he said, “You don’t need to cry, because we are moving far away to live on a farm. And if our farm has a barn, you may have a barn cat.”

Kitiiyo obutankyalira kyandeteera okwagala kkapa nnyo era nekindeteera okukaaba. Era nabuza taata wange nangamba nti, “Tekikwetagisa ku kaaba, kubanga tugenda kusengukira wala ddala tubeera ku nnimiro. Era ennimiro yaff’eyinza okubeera n’eggwanika lya kkapa.

When we moved to our farm, I was very happy because we had many barns. But when I asked for my cat my dad said, "No." When I cried to my mom, she said, “Don't ask your dad again, just pray, Macy, and see what your Heavenly Father will do.”

Bwetwasenguka netugenda ku nnimiro yaffe, nali musanyufu nnyo kubanga twayina amawanika mangi nnyo. Naye bwenasaba kkapa yange taata wange yagamba nti ‘Nedda.’ Bwenakabirira maama wange, yagamba nti, “Tosaaba taata wo neera, saaba , Macy , era olabe ki Taata w’owomuggulu kyanakola.”


God Answers My Prayer
Katonda Ayanukula Esaala Yange

So, each time I thought of the cat I didn't get, or I thought about Spade, I asked my Heavenly Father, God, to give me a barn cat.

Era, buli bwenalowooza ku kkapa sagifunanga, oba bwenalowooza nga ku Kitiiyo, Nasabanga Kitange Ow’omugulu, Katonda ampe Eggwanika lya kkapa.

One day something bad happened that God used for good, and it was the way He planned to answer my prayer when I first asked Him!

Lwalilumu waliwo ekintu ekibii ekyatukawo Katonda kyeyakozesa olw’obuluni era kyali nga bweyali ategeese okudamu esaala gyenasaaba bwenasooka okumusaba.


I was behind our big barn when one of our horses stepped on my foot. My foot got fat and turned purple. I tried but I couldn't stop crying. My dad said, "Macy, tell everyone to go get in the van, we are going somewhere special. We are going to get you your barn cat." I got in our big, long van and we drove way up into the hills.

Nali mabega w’eggwanika eddene nga emu ku mbalasi yaffe yalinya ku kigere kyange. Ekigerekyange kyazimba era nekifuuka kya purple. Nagezako naye nali sisobola kulekelawo kukaaba. Taata wange nagamba nti, “Macy, gamba buliomu okuyingira mu mottoka, tulina gyetugenda owengyawulo. Tugenda kufuniira eggwanika lya kkapa.” Nayingira mu motttoka yaffe enene era nga mpanvu ne tuvuga eyo wagulu munsozi.

When I got into the van, I forgot all about my sore foot. I was happy!!
Bwenayingira mu motoka, n’erabira ekigere ekyali kizimbye. Nali musanyufu!!

God used this sad, bad thing for good—just like He does all the time. God was about to answer my prayer and I was so excited!!

Katonda yakozeesa enaku, ebintu ebibi kulwobulungi—era nga Bwakola bulisaawa. Katonda yalikumpi okudamu essala yange era nalinkyamukiride!!


As we drove way up into the hills, we splashed through a shallow stream before we stopped at an old farm. All of us: my three brothers, my two sisters and I jumped out of the van when we saw dozens of kittens everywhere!!

Nga tuli mukuvuga wagulu mu nsozi, twasamula nga tuyita mu kagaga akampi nga tetinayimirira ku nimiro enkkade. Ffena: banyinaze bange basata, bayina babiri era nange twabuuka ne tuva mu mmotoka bwetwalana dozen ya bu kkappa buliwamu!!

My mom and dad told me, “Macy, go and find your barn cat." Right away I saw my barn cat. I scooped her into my arms, kissed her and thanked God for answering my prayer!

Maama wange ne Taata wange bangamba, “Macy, genda olonde eggawanika lya kkappa yo.” Mubwangu ddala nalengeera eggwanika lya kkapa yange. Namukwata mangu ddala mungalo zange, nemunwegeera era nenebaze Katonda okudamu essala yange!


I learned that when you pray, God your Father, hears you praying and He wants to bless you with double what you hoped for! If something is not fair, which the Bible says is unjust, it means GOD wants to bless you DOUBLE or two!

Nayiga nti bwensaba, Katonda Kitaffe, awulira bw’osaaba era ayagala okuwa omukiisa emirundi ebiiri kwegyo gyakusabye era kyewasubide! Bwekiba nga ekintu sikyabwenkanya, Bible kyegamba nti sibwenkanya, kitegeeza Katonda ayagala kuwa omukisa gwamirundi ebiiri oba biri!

This is one of the millions of GOD's promises. You can read it in Isaiah 61:7-8 in your Bible—where He left all His promises for YOU and me!

Kino kyekimi ku kumi y’ebisubizo bya KATONDA. Osobola okugisoma ko mu Isaaya 61:7-8 mu bible yo—bwe Yaleka ebisubizo Bye eri GWE era nange! 



Latte’s fur looked like a cup of coffee with lots of cream in it—just like my mommy liked to drink it.

Ebyoya bya Latte byafananga ekikopo kya kawa ekiyina olububi mu kyo—era nga maama byeyayagala nga okumunya.

When my mommy came to find me, I saw that she was holding Latte’s mommy who I called, Chichi, that sounds like “She-She” my mommy’s favorite French pastry she ate with her coffee! My mom said that Latte was too young to be away from her mommy, so God gave me DOUBLE! I didn’t get just one barn cat, I got two! A mommy cat and her soft baby kitten!

Maama wange bweyaga gyendi okunsisinkana, namulaba nga akute maama wa Latter gwe nayitanga ChiChi, Ekye kiwulikiknga “She-She” Maama wange ye pastry wabafalansa gweyasinga okwagala era yamulyanga ne Kawa we! Maama wange yagamba nti yali mutonyo okubeera wala ne maama we, era Katonda yamuwa bibiri! Safuna bufunyi Ggwanika lya kkapa limu, nafuna biri! Maama kkapa era n’ekana ka kkapa akagonda!


Happily Ever After

God not only loves to bless us with DOUBLE—by giving us two when we pray!!

Katonda tayagala bwagazi kutuwa mukiisa nga akubisizamu emirundi ebiiri-okutuwa emirundi ebiiri nga tusabye!!

God really LOVES the word multiply—and multiply means when two becomes four and four turns into a LOT of Barn Cats! God blessed me with more and more cats, many litters.

Katonda ayagalanyo ekigambo kukubisa mu- era okukubisamu kitegeza nti bibiri bifuka bina era bina bifuka bingi ebay Ggwanika lya zi Kkappa! Katonda yampa omukisa gwa zi kkapa enyingi, n’obwana bwa zi kkapa mpitirivu. 

Very soon we had many cats that kept the mice out of our barns and our house, which made my daddy very happy we got barn cats!

Mubwangu ddala twayina zi kappa mpitirivu eza gyangawo emese mu Ggwanika ne munyumba ekyaleetera Taata wange okubeera omusanyufu enyo!

The End


This book is dedicated to granddaughters everywhere. Never forget the story of Macy and what GOD said 3 times about impossibilities...

Ekitabo kino kiweeredwayo eri bazuukulu abawala buliwamu. Temwerabiranga olugeero lwa Macy era n’ekyo Katonda kyayogeera emirundi 3 ku bitasoboka…

“With people this is impossible, but WITH GOD all things are possible." Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, and Luke 18:27.

“Eri abantu tekiyinzika. Naye Katonda, ayinza byonna.” Matayo 19:26, Makko 10:27, era Lukka 18:27 

Be sure to share Macy’s Barn Cat with your friends—in “every tribe, nation and language” (Revelation 7:9) so they’ll believe in God’s Promises too!

Kakasa nti onogabana E’ggwanika Lya Kkapa Ya Macy ne mikwano gyo—mu “mu buli nsi na buli kika, na buli ggwanga na buli lulimi” (Okubikkulirwa 7:9) era nabo bakiririze mu Bisubizo bya Katonda!


~ Bella in the United Arab Emirates is RMI’s Luganda Translator and is studying to be a 👑 His Princess Coach 👑



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