Wise Man Warrior Course
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but wanting to have their ears tickled,
they will accumulate teachers according to their own desires." —2 Timothy 4:3
they will accumulate teachers according to their own desires." —2 Timothy 4:3

Erin Thiele, author of NarrowRoad Publishing’s #1 Best-Selling A Wise Man, which opened the eyes of thousands of men around the world, has taken A Wise Man and revised a new workbook for young men and who aren't yet married.

"By WISDOM a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4
C2 First Loves
🚧 the chapters below are under construction and are still linked to the girl's version: A Wise Woman in Waiting