About our HomeGrown Coaches
Our HomeGrown Coaches are Certified HomeGrown Coaches many are still IOU Students who are currently taking the HomeGrown Coach 7 Courses. Along with their courses, they are given the opportunity to have practical hands-on ministry training, such as ministering to broken-hearted women who have filled out our Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire, which is posted on the blog, as well as blog—posted
HomeGrown Children
“Enter through the narrow gate;
for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction,
and there are many who enter through it.
For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life,
and there are few who find it."
IOU Students Working towards their
HomeGrown Coach Certificate
and serving on HomeGrown Ministries

To prevent our Ministry Team Members from the fatal dangers of burying their talents we established RMIOU. Built into the learning, they teach what they learned and are quickly posted—spreading their seed, providing an outlet—to prevent ending up as the Dead Sea and letting their light shine.
To become one of our HomeGrown Coach
Students, please enrol here:
IOU: QuickStart Enrollment Application
Please visit Licensed Ministry Franchises or RMI's About page for more information.
Complete Your
Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire
to let your Restoration Journey begin.