How to Really
ENJOY Your Children
& LOVE ❤️ Being a Parent

HGM EYC "Enjoy Your Children" Podcasts  from Erin Thiele

Enjoy ErinAdina, and Yvonne discussing their experiences about enjoying their motherhood journey with Him! All of our children are unique and the Lord is showing that every single one of our children is important to Him!

Encouraging Women:
Enjoy Your Children Podcast Playlist


From a Mother of 7 Who’s Been There

Have YOU Been Struggling to Really ENJOY YOUR CHILDREN?
Do you LOVE Being a Parent?


Erin Thiele, author of several NarrowRoad Publishing books, is now focusing on books that encourage both children and their parents. As she writes A Wise Woman in Waiting and A Wise Man Warrior, part of the new children's series A Wise Woman for His Prince & Princess, she knows mothers need inspiration and support like never before.

As a mother of seven children and Mimi to over a dozen grandchildren thus far, the love for children and all mothers (a gift from her mother, Grace McGovern), Erin says, “I first planned and began to write many of these books while my children were small but God wanting me to wait “for such a time as this” as we witness our children becoming under such unimaginable tremendous attacks.

“Even the title was decided almost thirty years ago! I started writing because I had been encouraging complete strangers who'd stop me for help—especially my friends who knew my children. Years later, two of my adult children, now parents, said, ‘Mom, you've got to write a book!’

“At one point, I felt I was disqualified. I felt I had no right to say anything when my family came under tremendous attack. That's when I heard His still small voice, “Erin, have you always ENJOYED your children? Do you still LOVE being a parent and now a grandparent?” The answer, more than ever, is YES!

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

2 thoughts on “How to Really ENJOY Your Children and LOVE ❤️ Being a Parent”

    1. Thank you, Rasa, for the encouragement! HLM “He led us” to look into what is being done and added under construction for Chapter 5, “Mother May I?” The author is currently working on finishing, but hopefully, we’ll see another chapter finished soon. She’s added it to her long list.

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