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H4H Enter by the Narrow Gate Chapter 1 “Glory Bound”
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FREE H4H Encouragement Course for Parents
HomeSchooling for Him!
Enter by the Narrow Gate
The book is simply the notes Erin Thiele used when teaching this course to mothers at her megachurch due to the fruits witnessed by dozens of mothers who requested this class. Two of her sons had "graduated" from homeschooling, and she was educating five more children. Each mother who attended ALL continued or began homeschooling, with every one of the children from these families continuing until each “graduated.” Now, most of Erin’s children are married and homeschooling their own children for Him!
Most parents train their children to learn the ways of the world through the public school system; is it any wonder then that most Christian children look and act like every other public school kid?
Christian parents are called to train their children, including their education, to seek Him. This means that we should have our goal and our sights forever on the spiritual excellence of each of our children and homeschool them for spiritual growth, NOT for educational excellence. Only then can we fulfill this promise, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
In this challenging and powerful book, you will learn how to base your life and your children’s lives (and, most importantly, your child’s education) by seeking and trusting Him!
“Thus says the LORD, Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD.”
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD.” — Jeremiah 17:5, 7
Take a step of faith and make Him first in your lives. Set your children's hearts with Him as the center as we homeschool our children for Him.
Erin’s hope is that "for such a time as this," you simply open your heart and speak to your children’s Heavenly Father and ask Him if this is the Narrow Gate He wants you and your children to travel through. Then leave it to HIM to orchestrate everything!!
HomeGrown Children
The greatest blessing I've ever known and experienced, though hectic and challenging, with very little sleep, was when I was homeschooling. Dallas finished his 12 years in just nine, and when this picture was taken (above), he'd been accepted into a new School of Ministry. It didn't come without challenges. When he applied, there was a huge uproar when the school asked him for a GED instead of a "real diploma" and the super mega church we attended. In the end, he was accepted and, years later, was a media minister (combining both his passions) for nearly ten years in a mega-church in Chicago when he married. I won't go on about all my children and their many accomplishments because this isn't about them or me.
My hope is that "for such a time as this," you simply open your heart and speak to your Husband, your Maker, Father of your children and ask Him if this is the Narrow Gate He wants you and your children to travel through. Then leave it to HIM to orchestrate everything!!
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool
Two of my grandsons have been homeschooled using this curriculum and I've recommended it to other families who are planning to homeschool. We give an ongoing offering to this ministry since we want to offer it to parents who feel called to “Train up a child in the way he should go, so even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6