5 thoughts on “Finding Hope: “Coping with an Eating Disorder””

  1. I must confess that this testimony/praise blows my mind!! Not just because of the miracles our Beloved did, but how He changes our hearts and directs our lives through the rains!!! Thank you Ariele for opening your heart to us!!

  2. Oh dear Isabella and Ariele, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful PodCast and for these praises to renew our minds that He is and always will be in control of our lives and our children’s lives as well.🙌
    I loved listening to you with your stories. And I already want to share this PodCast on the FRA Blog next week!!! Is it ok for you?🙌🥰

    A super hug and stay in peace.

  3. Thank you sweet Isabella for inviting me for this beautiful Podcast!!
    This is such an important subject and all parents must be aware of the signs their children send.
    I am so grateful for all that my Husband did for Astrid, so much love and care!

  4. Of course my sweet Marta, please share!!! And yes!! Astrid is a living proof of His love and care and how our love as moms truly changes everything!!

  5. Ariele, thank you for sharing your heart. Social Media is such a danger for our daughters. And most of the people who they look up to on social media, the stars/influencers are definitely not role models for young girls. And what is seen on social media is an illusion, far from reality, but still its sets a standard for vulnerable young girls of what beauty is. But PTL we have a Heavenly Husband who can guide us to help our daughters to rather see themselves the way their Heavenly Father created them, fearfully and wonderfully made. We can teach them what real godly beauty is and how to deal with all the pressure His way.

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