I Am Not Just A Mother…

“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world." J16:21

It really is such a huge blessing to be a mum! 

My eldest son came home greeting me: "hello MY MUM." Later I asked my younger son if he had enough to eat whereby he replied: "yes thank you MY MUM."

I am not just A MUM, I am THEIR MUM, how special is that!!! I enjoy every moment being their mum. 

I was sitting here and listening to the beautiful podcast of Erin: "Enjoy Your Children" (and if you haven't listened to it please do), thinking of how it really is a blessing to be a mum. Yes there was a time that everything felt so overwhelming when I thought I have to do it all alone, but my Darling Lord was right next to me, making it all worth it.

Precious woman I really want to encourage you to enjoy your children. And if you are going through a trial time, please don't be so caught up in your own pain, that you forget to enjoy the moments with your children and yes I have to admit, I waisted so much time, time that I could have spent enjoying with my children. Remember one day you too will look back, like I am now looking back and say, wow time went by too quickly and they have grown up way too fast...

4 thoughts on “I Am Not Just A Mother…”

  1. Thank you Janine, there is nothing like receiving confirmation from our children that we are “their mom”. My heart overflows with every random hug or kiss with the words “I love you”.

    During the difficult times, times when you feel like you are failing as a mother, these words from our children and the hugs and kisses, makes up for everything and make the guilt disappear, because you must be doing something right if they can express their love for us.

    1. Yes precious Adina, it really does make up for everything and is so special.

  2. What a beautiful feeling you convey Janine… I trust that my Beloved will bless me with that motherly feeling too 🙂

    1. Aaaahhh precious Anastasia I pray and trust that our Darling Lord will too bless you with that motherly feeling too.

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