I Took The Label Of My Child

โ€œI praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.โ€ P139:14

After reading Hopeโ€™s post: All Children=Blessings Pt 1 and Erin's comment, I realized for so long I have been putting a label on my own child.

Let me quickly explain: the doctor couldnโ€™t get a heart beat a week before my sonโ€™s birth, but slowly the heart beat came back. When he was born the doctor said the umbilical cord is around is neck. My baby sat late and struggled to crawl and he struggled to use the right side of his body, so it was then when I took him to the doctor. Later brain scans were done and he was diagnosed with hemiplegia (right side brain damage) and I remember the negative doctor saying accept he will be in a wheelchair and I also remember another doctor saying he will probably get more seizures because of the damage. Forgetting our Darling Lord is in control of everything, so my son is not in a wheelchair and he didnโ€™t get more seizures.

So for years I labeled my child saying he was disabled, then I later rather said special needs, but today I am taking that label of my child!!! Because he is for sure SPECIAL!!!

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." P127:3


12 thoughts on “I Took The Label Of My Child”

  1. Awww Janine I admire your dedication and courage to keep moving in this new direction for our Special children we are super blessed to mother.

    Itโ€™s astounding to me how doctors tell us things that GOD proves are NOT true and yet we continue to accept their labels and diagnosis.

    The fact is each person is perfectly and wonderfully created and those who have been called to travel a difficult journey from birth have a powerful testimony and a closer relationship with God.

    1. We are really blessed to mother our Special Children. I am so grateful for everything my Darling Lord is doing and allowing me to see the testimonies coming out of the trials that we go through before the testimonies come. And when I look back I can now see the many many occasions my Darling Lord was carrying me with my sons.

      Yes and it is actually sad how we run so quickly to doctors and I have to admit I did. But again our Darling Lord proves He has the last say, because I remember my son’s brain scan showing the brain damage and his physio therapist looking at the scans and saying this is not possible because he is not suppose to speak a word and he didn’t need any therapy with his speech.

      1. Janine Darling have you and your Husband discussed a RJN of sorts for your journey as a mom?

        Between your testimony with restoration with your older son (which inspired me and HLM to use the same promises that WORKED in my life PTL ๐Ÿ™Œ) but also the blessed journey with your Special younger son journeyโ€”wow it could be a best seller in 2 languages ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

        Has NRP approached you? And then you can build the bridge to encourage Hope to follow ๐Ÿ’—

        1. Wow I have never spoken to my Husband about that, but I will for sure. I just wanted to say I wouldn’t know where to start and how to do it, but then I year my Darling’s voice behind mereminding me “Apart from Me you can do nothing” so I will sit with my Darling Husband and let He lead me.

          I am so grateful that the same promises worked in your life precious Erin, wow, our Darling Lord is the Best ever! I can’t wait to hear the testimony!

          1. Janine, if I may make a suggestion for you to take to Him. Write it in Afrikaans as you feel more comfortable expressing yourselves in Afrikaans and then work from there to translate it.
            I am giving you this advice because this is what I should have done with my RJN. We would be honoured to publish it for you.

          2. Thank you precious Yvonne, I will definitely talk to my Darling. And wow I just feel His love so much, because He really knows me, because yes I do feel more comfortable in Afrikaans and then to translate it from there on.

  2. Awwh thank you Janine, each time I read or hear your son’s testimony, I am so amazed at how our Beloved stepped in and proofed that HE is in control and only He has the final say! I saw your son once and if I did not know, I would not be able to tell that he is Fearfully and Wonderfully Special!

    1. Yes isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord proved that He is in control. Yvonne’s children also said the same precious Adina and isn’t that also wonderful because I remember when the doctor said accept your child is going to be in a wheel chair and he isn’t.

  3. I’m so glad weโ€™re taking the label off our children. Letโ€™s remember that every child is unique and special. All of our children are blessings and gifts from the Lord.

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” J1:5

    1. Yes isn’t it wonderful precious Hope and yes lets remember that each every child is very unique and special.

  4. Dear Janine, I praise Our Love for His kindness and everlasting grace shown in this praise report but furthermore to your child and you.Great is He!!

    I’m profoundly grateful for having the chance to know your perspective. It’s powerful and heartwarming.

    “I would like to encourage you to keep bringing your praises here. By any standard, we can get wisdom and you know ” cause an earthquake”…

    “suddenly there was a great earthquake, so [powerful] that the very foundations of the prison were shaken and at once all the doors were opened and everyoneโ€™s chains were unfastened.” Acts 16:26 AMP


    1. Aaahhh precious Mia, thank you for that encouragement. Our Darling Lord is for sure Great and yes He deserves our praises!!!

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