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The materials from Restore Ministries were written for the sole purpose of encouraging women and men. For more information, visit us at:
Permission from the author has been given to those who wish to print or photocopy this book for themselves or others, strictly for encouragement and informational purposes; however, such copies or reprints cannot be sold in any form without prior written permission from the author.
Most Scripture verses are taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise indicated. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible, and Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the New International Version. Our ministry is not partial to any particular version of the Bible but loves them all so that we can help every woman in any denomination who needs encouragement and who wants to gain greater intimacy with her Savior.
Copyright © 2023
by Erin Thiele
Cover Design by Adina Jacobs
This book is dedicated to ALL the children around the world who long to be LOVED by a "parent" who is ENJOYING them—being with them, training them, laughing with them, and trusting them to their Heavenly Father, their God in Heaven—who promises to guide every parent who is looking to Him.
Also, a special dedication to my niece in Japan who is expecting her first child, a son, on/near my birthday. It is due to her having the wisdom and love to reach out and ASK ME to help guide her—wanting to mother her son as she witnessed me mothering my own children and mothering/loving her and her younger sister. It was due to this alone that this book I started in 2007 (fifteen years ago!) is now being dusted off and shared on our HomeGrown Ministries website.
It’s been dozens of years since I first planned to write a book on raising children and more than a dozen more years before I actually shared these chapters with anyone. Even the title was decided almost twenty-five years ago! It's not because I think of myself as an expert that I felt led or called to write a book like this. For the most part, it was simply started because I had been encouraged to “write a book” by so many people—most of whom were complete strangers who had observed my children and came up to ask me questions. Many of my friends who knew my children also told me I just "had" to write a book. Even my former husband told me how I needed to get everything into a book on several occasions. Years later, a few of my grown children, now adults, who were having their own children said, "Mom, you've got to write a book."
As God says, waiting benefits us in so many ways—it gives us strength, and oftentimes by waiting for His appointed time, He will also bless you with coauthors as He did soon after I shared this first chapter with my amazing Ministry Team.
As soon as we all got excited about what the Lord was about to do, I just knew I needed to invite two ministers. These two ministers I've asked to coauthor this book are also close friends and immediately came to my mind when the Lord reminded me of how often I would be in awe when they'd share how they would navigate their own mothering in the midst of all that was thrown at them. No doubt, it was due to them going to the same Source—the Source I always relied on and went to when I needed help with mothering. I now go to the same Source each time I find myself navigating my role as a grandmother.