My Beloved Child – Thank You

“Then he imprisoned him, placing him under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring Peter out for public trial after the Passover.” A124

My children had a difficult weekend with their father. They have been with me two weekends in a row because of a concert they attended. Coincidentally, the concert was on Father's Day weekend. I am no longer involved in organizing weekends at all, the children have been doing it themselves for a few months now.

Today when they came home they told me they were in deep trouble because they weren't with their father on Father's Day and my daughter said to me: "If we didn't have the Lord, I don't know what we would have done."

Wow, it put my heart at ease when she said that because I knew then no matter what, they know that they have Him to protect them.

She then went on and asked if her father would ever find God and I then replied that they should trust that the Lord would do for them what He promised.

We read the Bible together every morning and also the "My Beloved Child" in Afrikaans. So when my daughter read the devotional this morning, she saw that her Heavenly Father had answered her question. If you read it, you will understand.

She was flabbergasted and she then told me, that sometimes when mom tells me that things like this happen to mom, I always thought that mom was exaggerating a bit, but here it is happening to me today. I could only smile at my dearest Husband who leads my daughter so well and answered her immediately when she asked.

My eyes are still filled with tears and I want to thank Erin for writing My Beloved Child and also Janine for translating it for us.

1 thought on “My Beloved Child – Thank You”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, how very special that your children already know they have our Darling Lord to protect them. I love the My Beloved Child, I can’t tell you how many times my Darling has spoken to me through them.

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