My HomeSchooling for Him

"I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours." M1124

I wanted to give a testimony about something that happened in homeschooling this year with my son, but then I remembered, that some of you may not even know that I homeschool my children and how it happened, so let me start there...

About 7 or 8 years ago, I walked into Janine's office and asked her to pray that I work from home and raise my children at home. She prayed with me and some years later, I got the opportunity to work from home, without applying for any job, the opportunity was presented to me! Of course only my Lovely Husband right?

He didn't stop there either, when Covid hit us in 2020, we all had to home-school our children. I enjoyed it so much, but I never thought that my children would not go back to school again, but in fact at the end of the year, due to a combination of circumstances, my ex-husband asked me if I would be able to homeschool my children home. If you knew the children's father, you would realize what a great miracle this is!

So here I am now a few years later, still homeschooling. There are so many testimonies that come out of it that I want to share with you and I hope to post something here every now and then as He leads me. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

For more about Homeschooling please read:

10 thoughts on “My HomeSchooling for Him”

  1. Shalom shalom yvonne
    Ton blog est vraiment encourageante czr moi aussi je recherche un poste a domicile sauf que moi j’ai postulé je ne sais pas si j’ai bien fait ou pas mais j’ai prié et demandé a notre HH un emploi en ligne. Quand a l’ecole a la maison ce n’est pas possible a l’ile Maurice les enfants sont obligés de s’y rendre mais j’ai commencé a imprimer des dessins pour mon fils pour l’aider a la maison. Je sais qu’il sera un grand bonhomme dans sa vie.

    Shalom shalom yvonne
    Your blog is really encouraging czr I too am looking for a home position except that I applied I don’t know if I did well or not but I prayed and asked our HH for an online job. When homeschooling is not possible in Mauritius, children are forced to go there, but I have started printing drawings for my son to help him at home. I know that he will be a great man in his life.

    1. Thank you for sharing Kateleen. It will be great to hear from ladies in places where homeschooling is not possible and then what He is leading them to do in these circumstances. Won’t it be great if we can have the different ways right? Like “Homeschool without boundaries”, “Homeschool within a controlled environment” “Homeschooling not allowed”
      Something like this right? It will be amazing!!

      1. Effecrivement je trouve cela formidable de pourvoir faire l’ecole a la maison. Et surtout de pouvoir suivre l’enfant a son rythme. A l’ile Maurice l’éducation des enfants se font avec rapidité ils veulent tellement terminer leur session que certain enfant quand ils passent dans les colleges n’ont pas avancés. En plus nous avons le Saint-Esprit qui nous aide dans les éducations de nos enfants.

        Honestly, I find it great to be able to do school at home. And above all to be able to follow the child at his own pace. In Mauritius, the education of children is done quickly. They want to finish their session so much that some children when they go to college have not progressed. In addition we have the Holy Spirit who helps us in the education of our children.

      2. Yvonne je m’excuse dz t’ecrirz ebcorz une fois mais je ne sais pas si c’est une idée ou pas mais a l’ile Maurice on est bilingue donc anglais britannique et francais. Mais les sujets sont majoritairement anglais donc le niveau d’anglais a l’ile Maurice pour un enfant doit être excellent. Si Rmiou pense un homeschooling pourquoi ne pas avoir des mamans en ligne qui donne des cours des videos deja tour préparé et c’est a la maman de faire le suivi qui renvoi a l’educatrice pour aider nos petit bout. Et meme intégrer plusieurs langues car aujourd’hui on demande une troisième des fois c’est l’allemand ou le néerlandais en parallèle c’est suite a un entretien et ca m’a fait rire un peu car je ne croyais pas que mon ile soit aussi avancé en demande de langue. Bon ce n’est qu’une proposition je ne sais pas si c’est HH qui vient de me soufflait cela a l’oreille je pense qu’il faut juste prier la dessus.

        Yvonne I apologize for writing to you once but I don’t know if it’s an idea or not but in Mauritius we are bilingual so British English and French. But the subjects are mainly English so the level of English in Mauritius for a child must be excellent. If Rmiou is thinking about homeschooling why not have mothers online who give lessons with videos already prepared and it is up to the mother to do the follow-up which sends it back to the educator to help our little ones. And even integrate several languages ​​because today we ask a third of the times it’s German or Dutch at the same time it’s following an interview and that made me laugh a little because I didn’t believe that my island is also advanced in language demand. Well, it’s just a suggestion, I don’t know if it was HH who just whispered that in my ear, I think we just have to pray about it.

  2. Thank you, Yvonne, after my children were born, and I had to go through the heartbreak of dropping them off at daycare when I went to work, my Beloved slowly started to place the desire to work at home and be there for my children in my heart. Every time I dropped them off, I prayed (and that was before my journey started) that He would make a way where I saw none.

    Years later, after I lost my life, He made a way! At that stage I still did not have the desire to Homeschool, BUT He slowly placed the desire in my heart. Only after I went through the custody case, He made it happen by turning my fh heart and He placed the desire in his heart as well. But I share my testimony here in my Custody Loss Novelette:

    1. Thank you Adina. Hahaha, the old me, never would have even considered homeschooling or working from home for that matter. He changed me in so many ways. Once we have Him as our First Love, our priorities change so much.

    2. Merci adina je continuerai lire ton ouvrage en ce moment je suis prise avec les cours. Notre HH m’a reconduit a le rechercher de nouveau… La solitude est rentré est a un peu chambouler mon voyage… Et je demandé je voudrais recommencer ce voyage avec lui je le recherche de nouveau. Pour les emplois j’ai décidé de stopper mes recherches en ligne car j’ai senti qu’il me disait que c’etait un manque de confiance en lui et que c’est lui qui me conduira comme j’ai collé le passage du psaume 23 a côté de mon lit et mis en caractère gras il me conduit donc je m’attends a lui, j’ai annulé toutes les rdv car ils veulent que je sois 6 mois au bureau pour etre cusromer service et ce 10heures a 20heure et c’est impossible pour moi a cause de mon fils de 3ans. Donc je m’attends a lui

      Thank you Adina I will continue reading your work at the moment I am busy with the courses. Our HH took me back to looking for him again… The loneliness returned and has disrupted my journey a little… And I asked I would like to start this journey again with him I am looking for him again. For jobs I decided to stop my online searches because I felt that he was telling me that it was a lack of confidence in him and that it is he who will lead me as I pasted the passage from psalm 23 next to my bed and put in bold font he leads me so I wait for him, I canceled all the appointments because they want me to be in the office for 6 months to be a cusromer service and this from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and It’s impossible for me because of my 3 year old son. So I wait for him

  3. I’m still in awe that both of you, Yvonne and Adina, are permitted to homeschool your precious children in South Africa and how He used COVID lockdowns for GOOD.
    “And we know that God causes all things to work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” R828 Romans 8:28

    What I noticed was missing from your post was a bridge to learn more and so HLM “He led me” to share this and follow the links where I discovered much more than I remembered we have for mothers—like you Kateleen.

    Mothers are the true teachers when you invest time with them at home. During my university training (when I realized I wasn’t suited to be a school teacher) we were told how important the mother was—because it was SHE who determined how well the child did, whether he or she succeeded or failed.

    And before I leave, I did want to share something exciting I assumed would me a new post regarding a reply to Adina’s comment. I am sharing it here because the MOST IMPORTANT thing we can do as mothers is to introduce and foster a close friendship with a BEST FRIEND so our children always have someone to talk to, confide in and be with.

    1. Thank you very much, I added the link to my praise. I agree, it all starts at home with the mother, no matter what is allowed in your country for homeschooling. I am reminded of the verse:
      Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.

    2. Merci beauxoup justement je disais Adina comment j’ai renoncé a postuler en ligne car les horaires proposés ne me convenait vraiment pas 10heure a 20 heure pour le poste de customer service avec un tres bon salaire mais il faut que je sois au bureau pendant 6 mois et ce n’est pas possible car en 2016 mes deux garçons on souffert de absence pendant 3 ans trop épuisée pour rattraper leur cahier je ne pensais qu’a diner et me mettre au lit et mon mari nous faisair a manger et ca etait epuisnt pour lui aussi et vraiment je demande pardon a notre HH d’avoir néglige les deux aînées mais avec le petit je veux me rattraper. Je vais lire de ce fait le cours que tu as postés.

      Thank you very much I was just saying Adina how I gave up applying online because the hours offered really didn’t suit me 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the position of customer service with a very good salary but I have to be in the office for 6 months and it’s not possible because in 2016 my two boys suffered from absence for 3 years, too exhausted to catch up on their notebooks, I only thought about having dinner and going to bed and my husband cooked us food and it was exhausting for him too and I really apologize to our HH for having neglected the two eldest but with the little one I want to make up for it. I will therefore read the course you posted.

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