Prayer Tree–A Faith Builder

Make a Prayer Tree using poster board and cutouts in construction paper—then place it on the wall in your family room or by your kitchen table—or your child might want one for their own room (however, praying together has its benefits too). Your Prayer Tree can also be used as an evangelism tool as you share with visitors to your home how God has answered your prayers. Don’t forget to offer to pray for their special needs.
The Prayer Tree will help you to:
- Remember to pray.
- See God working in our lives and the lives of others.
- Remember His past blessings—and count them “one by one” when you feel defeated.
- Remember to thank Him for each trial.
- Remember not to worry about the cares of the world.
- Know why we need His Word to stand on.
- Build your faith and your children’s faith.
To assemble: You’ll need a poster board, construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers. Cut out Flowers, 1 Sun / Son, Clouds, Weeds, and Fruit. Then explain the following to your children:

Let´s Start!!!
Flowers: “Prayer Request.”
- Write one request on each flower. (Include the prayer requests of family and friends.)
- Every fruit begins as a flower.
- On the request, make sure you include the date.

The Sun: “Son of God.”
- Write Jesus, Lord, or Son on the sun.
- The Son gives us light and strength.
- Without the Son, we (the tree) will die.
Clouds: “Trials.”
- Write on each raindrop the trial or affliction that your family is experiencing.
- Rain is necessary for growth, and it is only temporary!
- Rain could be finances, illness, broken things, lost or stolen, a job, or relationship problems.
- In life, we have trials, tests, and temptations that help us to seek the Lord.

Weeds: “Sin in our life.”
- Repeated sin—when we don’t pull it out at the roots.
- Unconfessed sin.
- Worries in our life.
- All the things that will choke out the blessings.
Fertilizer: “Scripture.”
- Write Scripture verses on the grass area.
- Vitamins and minerals give strength to the tree.
- God’s Word is our strength.
- It’s at the root and foundation of our faith.

Fruit: “Answered Prayer.”
- Write on each fruit God’s answer to your prayer.
- We must wait for the fruit to come in its “season.”
- God says we will know us by our fruit.
- We will see how He blesses you beyond what you have even asked.
- Date the flower and the fruit to see how we must learn to “wait on the Lord”!
“Then the LORD answered me and said,
'Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets,
that the one who reads it may run.
For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail.
Though it tarries, WAIT for it;
For it will certainly come, it will not delay.’”
Habakkuk 2:2-3
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33
“Delight yourself in the Lord and
He will give you the desires of your heart”!
Psalm 37:4
que ideia maravilhosa. Muito obrigada
Ich habe Gänsehaut bekommen als ich den Gebetsbaum durchgelesen habe. Visualisieren von Dingen, sich bewusst machen, was schon erreicht wurde ist großartig und bestärkt noch mehr im Glauben. 💕
I got goosebumps reading through the prayer tree. Visualizing things, becoming aware of what has already been achieved is great and strengthens your faith even more. 💕