Question: How to discipline my teenage daughters?

Hello ladies,
I received this message from a lady in Costa Rica. After asking my Beloved how I could help her (since I am not a mother and have not gone through those trials), He guided me to publish her message on this blog so that those who have gone through the waters of motherhood at His hand can encourage her as HE did with you when you asked for His wisdom to fulfill your role as mothers. Thank you ladies.

Hello Anastasia, I am praying to God to guide me with this principle of winning without a word with my daughters, because their age is 14 and 16, in a mother's teaching (Chapter 15 "Your Mother’s Teachings") speaks that the Bible says to love your children, instruct them and discipline them since they were little, but in my case I did not do it correctly, I made many mistakes, I mistreated them and for a couple of years or less I did not discipline with a cane because I blamed myself for my mistakes and what a poor thing, or I spent my time arguing with them, which It's wrong, other times I instruct them with love when they listen to me, but they almost never do it, they only pass by with their cell phone, they don't respect me, they don't help at home, they do poorly in school because they say they don't care anymore because they don't even know anymore. What they want.

It's not that I want to bombard you with my message, but I ask God what I do, I get frustrated because sometimes I feel like I have to correct strongly with the rod because I feel that they have time to correct because of their age, because I understand that the principle of winning without One word is if they are adults, that is what I understood and they are underage adolescents, it is a difficult situation because I see that they are doing what they want, at the same time it hurts me and I try to understand them because they are going through health problems, the 14-year-old with anxiety, depression, gets irritated easily, has tried to commit suicide several times, became very emotionally attached to an ex-boyfriend, the 16-year-old became depressed for a few months because she has acne and became emotionally attached to a classmate, but what hurts me is They don't obey me in anything, they are rebels.

The teaching of a mother, teaches that I confess my sins with a close friend, that I pray what words I should say and that my daughters be there and ask them for forgiveness, but the few acquaintances that I have think how society... I also think that it was my mistake to ask them I forgive my daughters many times for my mistakes, every time I felt guilty I even cried in front of them and how difficult it has been for me to change, sometimes I argue with them when I get frustrated that I don't know what decision to make because they don't obey me or listen to me.

I get frustrated because sometimes I feel like I just pray and remain silent and other times I feel like I also have to discipline them with a cane, I think they are like that with me because of all the mistreatment I gave them. I don't know, it's frustrating.

8 thoughts on “Question: How to discipline my teenage daughters?”

  1. Hola mi hermosa, Dios te bendiga bueno yo tengo un varón de 15 años y una niña de 7 años y si. no es fácil lidiar con las luchas de ellos pero mi Amado me a llevado ayunar por ellos para que los libere de la rebeldía, desobediencia, contención y amargura del corazón de mi hijo mayor y bueno también oro unas oraciones que son diaria por 30 días. Amada mira su corazón y pídele a El que te ayude a lidiar con sus luchas saben que son niños todavía y se apegan rápido a personas búscalo en ayuno para que empiece a sanar el corazón de ellos y el tuyo hermosa.
    te comparte las promesas que El me dado y las ora para ellos
    ‭Isaías 54:13 DHH94I‬
    [13] Yo instruiré a todos tus hijos; todos ellos tendrán gran bienestar.

    también en Malaquías dice
    que El corazón de los hijos se vuelve a los padres y el corazón de los padres se vuelve a los hijos

    Mi hermosa no uses amor firme…. solo usa el amor que El te a dado a ti y no la confronte si no lleva todo en las manos del Amado y El tomara el control ya verás hermosa
    Hello my beautiful, God bless you, well I have a 15-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl and yes. It is not easy to deal with their struggles but my Beloved has led me to fast for them to free them from the rebellion, disobedience, contention and bitterness of the heart of my eldest son and well I also pray some prayers that are daily for 30 days. Beloved, look at their heart and ask Him to help you deal with their struggles. They know that they are still children and they quickly become attached to people. Look for Him fasting so that He can begin to heal their hearts and yours, beautiful.
    He shares the promises He gave me and prays them for them.
    “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” I54:13

    also in Malachi it says
    that The hearts of the children return to the parents and the hearts of the parents return to the children

    My beautiful one, do not use firm love… just use the love that He has given you and do not confront her if she does not take everything in the hands of the Beloved and He will take control, you will see beautiful

    1. Hola Valeria, gracias por tus palabras de ánimo, me puedes compartir las oraciones que le orastes por 30 días a tus hijos?
      Gracias, bendiciones!
      Hello Valeria, thank you for your words of encouragement, can you share with me the prayers that you prayed for 30 days to your children?
      Thank you, blessings!

  2. Hello dear, I know raising children is not easy, I have one child, a boy who is soon to be a teenager, however I try to get him involved Godly things so he can get as much info and teaching related to our Beloved. I show him principles that I learned and also I share the resources from this ministry for children. I know rightnow you are going through something difficult with your girls and your best choice is God pray for them, He is a loving father and He will help you with them, and with time you will see the changes, have faith and dont give up. pray without ceasing and ask and HE will answer. I encourage you to read this
    dont lose hope!

  3. Querida Novia,tambien tengo 2 hijos , 14 y 19 años. Y te.puedo decir que tambien ha sido dificil , en este Viaje, poder guiarlos, y ver que toman decisiones , que no son las mas correctas. Queremos que ellos puedan vivir comforme al camino de Nuestro Amado, pero son mas vulnerables al mundo. Lo que he hecho, es rendirle todo a , entregarselos a El, mas al mayor . Y cambiar , dejando de lado ese amor duro y siendo mas amorosa con ellos.
    Solo te puedo decir que te rindas al Señor, que el enemigo viene a robarnos la paz, utlizando crisis con nuestros hijos. Estas batallas solo se ganan de rodillas y dandoles amor, aunque ellos no lo demuestren. Te dejo esta leccion, que nos habla de tratar con amor.
    El Señor es fiel y es el mejor Padre para ellos y a Su tiempo , los ira tocando. El volvera el corazon de tus hijas, mientras tanto llevalo todo a El y nos busques consejo en otras personas, solo sigue buscando sabiduria a traves de los materiales del Ministerip y de la Palabra de Nuestro Señor.
    Dear Girlfriend, I also have 2 children, 14 and 19 years old. And I can tell you that it has also been difficult, on this Journey, to be able to guide them, and see that they make decisions that are not the most correct. We want them to be able to live according to the way of Our Beloved, but they are more vulnerable to the world. What I have done is surrender everything to my Lord, hand it over to Him, but to the greatest. And change, leaving aside that tough love and being more loving with them.
    I can only tell you to surrender to the Lord, that the enemy comes to steal our peace, using crises with our children. These battles are only won on your knees and giving them love, even if they don’t show it. I leave you this lesson, which tells us about treating with love.
    The Lord is faithful and is the best Father for them and in His time, He will touch them. He will return the hearts of your daughters, in the meantime take everything to Him and seek advice from other people, just continue seeking wisdom through the materials of the Ministry and the Word of Our Lord.

  4. Dear precious bride from Costa Rica, I am so sorry for what you are going through with your children, I know it is not easy.

    I remember when my son started living with me (after he had lived with his dad), he was very rebellious and I remember him threatening to go and live with his dad again and I was always so scared, but that day I said to my Darling, my son’s Heavenly Father, I give him to You now and I trust You. My son came back an apologized.

    My Darling had prior to that incident learned me to meditate on His word for my children. The verse Valerie had mentioned is one of my favorite:
    “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” I54:13 because remember “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. P18:21 and “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” H4:12 and then off course LOVE CONQUERS ALL – 1C13:7

    I want to encourage you to please do it hand in hand with our Darling Lord. And I have to admit I made a lot of mistakes and still do – I remember the other day I was complaining about my son’s washing and my Darling said to me to be quiet now and guess what my son came to do his washing.

    Please also start reading: How to Really Enjoy Your Children and Love Being a Parent –

  5. Hola queridas damas,le doy gracias al Señor, por escuchar mi oración, y usar sus vidas para darme confirmación. bendiciones!!
    Hello dear ladies, I thank the Lord for hearing my prayer, and using your lives to give me confirmation. blessings!!

  6. Dear Janice

    You could say that I am a newbie when it comes to being a mother. My little daughter is 3 and a half years old and I am just learning a lot of things… But as I read you, He guides me.
    Several things come to my mind and I pray for wisdom to be able to connect one idea after another. Because in the profession that He gave me outside the home, He allowed me to see a common factor in young people and children: lack of love and lack of discipline.
    And I encourage you to reread the chapter The Teachings of Your Mother in it you will find the antidote for both deficiencies. And before continuing, I want to praise the Lord for making your weaknesses public so that the enemy loses authority over your maternal role by confessing all remorse, guilt and ignorance. This is the first sure step to find a path in the middle of the desert.
    I want to share with you what He guided me to do some time ago to balance both things. First, it led me to study the book of Proverbs from two perspectives: the mandate He instructs us as parents and the attitude He demands as children. And on the other hand, due to the situation of your beloved children, ask your Prince of Peace if gratitude therapy can work it would actually work for you and for them.

    On the other hand, we can see His faithfulness when He tells us that it is never too late, neither too early to love nor to discipline. I share with you some thoughts that I extracted from the chapter I mentioned above, which made me think of you:

    “Love never fails. This is our greatest promise: His love for us and our love for each other, especially for our children, will never fail!”

    “He bears all things. God expects us to carry burdens with His help. A mother’s burdens can sometimes seem unbearable. This is the time to run to Him.”

    “Believe all things. Following the Scriptures in training, disciplining, and correcting our children will take faith. But praise God! We have His promise that we will not be disappointed! “…for with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Rom. 10:10. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” Rom. 10:11”

    “Endure all things. Motherhood is sometimes very difficult. When we feel like we are at the end of our rope, God encourages us to hold on to Him. “But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Matt. 24:13. “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Mark 13:13”

    “Regrets. Have you made mistakes or do you have regrets about your motherhood? Have you shared these regrets with your child? greater? It is humbling, but rewarding. “A man’s pride brings him low, but a humble spirit brings honor.” Prov. 29:23. If your family needs healing, there is a biblical prescription. “Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective and effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5:16

    “Our children need to be trained so that they can become responsible adults. All of this takes time, patience, and kindness. You will need to endure a lot, believe a lot, hope a lot, and endure a lot, but that kind of love will never fail!”

    “Discipline is a tool of restoration, rather than condemnation, to restore a person to his or her spiritual place.”

    “It is our responsibility to know the Scriptures well enough to keep from being deceived. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.” 2Tim. 2:15.”

    Dear, our times are in His hands.

    Grace and peace to you.

    Querida Janice

    Se puede decir que en esto de ser mamá soy una novata. Mi pequeña hija tiene 3 años y medio y recién estoy aprendiendo un montón de cosas… Pero al leerte, Él me guía.
    Varias cosas vienen a mi mente y oro por sabiduría para ser capaz de hilar una idea tras otra. Pues en la profesión que Él me dio fuera del hogar, Él me permitió ver un factor común en jóvenes y niños: falta amor y falta disciplina.
    Y te animo a leer el capítulo Las Enseñanzas de tu Madre en él encontrarás el antídoto para ambas carencias. Y antes de seguir, quiero alabar al Señor cintogo al hacer públicas tus debilidades para que el enemigo pierda autoridad sobre tu rol materno al confesar todo remordimiento, culpa  y desconocimiento. Este es el primer paso seguro para encontrar un camino en medio del desierto.
    Quiero compartirte lo que Él me guío ha hacer tiempo atrás para nivelar ambas cosas. Primero, me llevó a estudiar el libro de Proverbios con dos perspectivas: el mandato que Él nos instruye como padres y la actitud que el demanda como hijos. Y por otro lado, debido a la situación de tus hijitos pregúntale a tu Príncipe de Paz si la terapia de agradecimiento puede funcionar de hecho funcionaría para ti y para ellos.

    De otro lado, podemos ver Su fidelidad cuando Él nos dice que nunca es demasiado tarde, ni demasiado tarde para amar ni para disciplinar. Te comparto algunos pensamientos que extraje del capítulo que te mencioné arriba, que me hicieron pensar en ti:

    “El amor nunca falla. Esta es nuestra mayor promesa: ¡Su amor por nosotros y nuestro amor mutuo, especialmente por nuestros hijos, nunca fallará!”

    “Soporta todas las cosas. Dios espera que llevemos cargas con Su ayuda. Las cargas de una madre a veces pueden parecer insoportables. Este es el momento de correr hacia Él.”

    “Cree todas las cosas. Seguir las Escrituras al entrenar, disciplinar y corregir a nuestros hijos requerirá fe. Pero ¡alabado sea Dios! ¡Tenemos Su promesa de que no seremos decepcionadas! “…porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, pero con la boca se confiesa para salvación”. Rom. 10:10. Porque la Escritura dice: “Todo aquel que en él cree, no quedará decepcionado”. Rom. 10:11″

    “Soporta todas las cosas. La maternidad a veces es muy difícil. Cuando sentimos que estamos al final de nuestra cuerda, Dios nos anima a aferrarnos a Él. “Pero el que persevere hasta el fin, ése será salvo”. Mat. 24:13. “Y seréis aborrecidos de todos a causa de mi nombre, pero el que persevere hasta el fin, ése será salvo”. Mar. 13:13”

    “Remordimientos. ¿Has cometido errores o te arrepientes de tu maternidad?  ¿Ha compartido estos arrepentimientos con tu hijo mayor? Es humillante, pero gratificante. “El orgullo del hombre lo abate, pero el espíritu humilde alcanzará honra”. Prov. 29:23. Si su familia necesita sanidad, existe una receta bíblica. “Por tanto, confesad vuestros pecados unos a otros y orad unos por otros para que seáis sanados. La oración eficaz de un justo puede lograr mucho”. Santiago 5:16”

    “Nuestros hijos necesitan que los capacitemos para que puedan convertirse en adultos responsables. Todo esto requiere tiempo, paciencia y amabilidad. Necesitarás soportar muchas cosas, creer muchas cosas, esperar muchas cosas y soportar muchas cosas, ¡pero esa clase de amor nunca fallará!”

    “La disciplina es una herramienta de restauración, más que de condenación, para devolver a una persona al lugar que le corresponde espiritualmente.”

    “Es nuestra responsabilidad conocer las Escrituras lo suficientemente bien como para evitar que seamos engañados. “Sé diligente en presentarte aprobado a Dios como un obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que maneja con exactitud la Palabra de Verdad”. 2Tim. 2:15.”

    Querida en Sus manos están nuestros tiempos.

    Gracia y paz para ti.

  7. Hola querida, gracias por compartir con nosotras tu inquietud, oro para que nuestro amado te de muchas sabiduría, paz y sobre todo como dijeron las novias anteriores de ese amor que el señor ha tenido para nosotras, el te de para tus hijas.
    El amor echa fuera el temor.
    Al leer este está pregunta que le hiciste a Anastasia viene a mi mente tantas veces que me sentí como ti te sientes ahora como madre.
    En la actualidad mis hijos son mayores .( tengo una de 25, otra de 21 y el varón de 20 años.)
    Recuerdo una vez con mi segunda hija que estaba pasando por tantas preguntas y yo me sentía tan impotente, culpable por su mal comportamiento, su rebeldía, y oraba al señor su promesa de que instruye al niño en su camino y aún cuando fuere viejo no se apartará de él, oraba sobre mis hijos pero principalmente sobre mi hija ( mis hijos todos nacieron y de criaron en la iglesia, en su palabra, adoraban y servían) pero en la pandemia comenzaron a menguar con su relación con Dios.
    Escribí al misterio en aquella ocasión buscando su consejo, ánimo u alguna lección que me ayudara como madre.
    Mi querida cada recurso aquí también nos ayudan y dan sabiduría como madres.
    Pero lo que comencé a poner en práctica es a soltarlos en los brazos del señor, no dejo de orar por ellos y bendecir los, pero comencé a buscar la paz de mi señor y a tratarlos con amor, a muchas veces ganar sin una palabra y recuerdo que fueron muchas veces cuando el señor daba ánimo con sus promesas de salvación u su cuidado para ellos por Medio de su palabra .

    Se que los tuyos son más pequeños, pero te animo a no buscar ayuda en hombres y mucho menos a contar a otros los problemas de tus hijos s otros o si mal comportamiento.
    El lugar de eso háblale palabras de bendiciones sobre ellos y mientras ellos duermen en silencio pon tus manos sobre ellos y declara sus promesas sobré sus vidas.
    Otra cosas que te animo es que tengas dominio propio como dice su palabra y mantén siempre una alabanza en tu boca y como dice su palabra nunca los provoques a irá, solo instruye los en mucho amor.

    Justo en estos días miraba a mis hijos y daba gracias a mi amado en mi corazón al verlos tan cambiados y como esa misma joven, mi segunda hija guiada por el señor lo está buscando y adorando.
    Solo mi amado a puesto en su corazón el buscarlo, la he escuchado decir que ya ella se reconsilio con él señor y rechazar invitación no pobrechoza para su vida.

    confía en el señor te aseguro que él te va ayudar y lo que hoy es una prueba, mañana será un hermoso testimonio, para su gloria.
    No te impacientes.

    Hello dear, thank you for sharing your concern with us, I pray that our beloved gives you much wisdom, peace and above all, as previous girlfriends said, of the love that the Lord has had for us, that he gives you for your daughters. Love casts out fear.

    When reading this, this question you asked Anastasia comes to mind so many times that I felt like you feel now as a mother. Currently my children are older (I have one who is 25, another who is 21, and the boy who is 20 years old.) I remember one time with my second daughter who was going through so many questions and I felt so helpless, guilty for her bad behavior, her rebellion, and I prayed to the Lord for his promise that he trains the child in his way and even when he is old he will not know. will separate from him, I prayed about my children but mainly about my daughter (my children were all born and raised in the church, in his word, they worshiped and served) but in the pandemic they began to diminish with their relationship with God. I wrote to the mystery on that occasion seeking his advice, encouragement from him, or some lesson that would help me as a mother.

    My dear, every resource here also helps us and gives us wisdom as mothers. But what I began to put into practice is to release them into the arms of the Lord, I do not stop praying for them and blessing them, but I began to seek the peace of my Lord and to treat them with love, to many times win without a word and remember which were many times when the Lord gave encouragement with his promises of salvation and his care for them through his word. I know yours are younger, but I encourage you not to seek help from men and much less to tell others about your children’s problems or bad behavior. Instead, speak words of blessing over them and while they sleep in silence, place your hands on them and declare your promises over their lives.

    Another thing that I encourage you is that you have self-control as his word says and always keep praise in your mouth and as his word says, never provoke them to anger, just instruct them in much love. Just these days I looked at my children and thanked my beloved in my heart when I saw them so changed and how that same young woman, my second daughter guided by the Lord, is seeking and adoring him. Only my beloved has put it in her heart to seek him from her, I have heard her say that she is now reconciled with him. Trust in the Lord, I assure you that he will help you and what today is a test, tomorrow will be a beautiful testimony, for his glory. Do not be impatient.

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