Seeing the Fruits🤩

Hello brides, my dearest and wonderful lord I want to praise for everything he provides for me and my children. I am so grateful to Him for leading me to this ministry. Because he knew the blessings I would receive from all the lessons and testimonies we share as women. I learn a lot but mainly He has made me think differently about myself. At the end of my marriage I was told that I was not a good mother and for a long time I thought this too but luckily He has let me hear His truth and now there is so much more peace and tranquility in my home. One of the changes I get to see is in my youngest son. Past week Isabella the minister of this HomeGrownMinistry met us in a podcast shared about toys. As an adult Christian child, I have always known that you have to be careful what you watch on television or the Internet. And that certain kind of toy incites violence. My youngest son has been a strong little guy from birth who, as we say here in the Netherlands, does not mince words. But even when he is angry, frustrated or insecure, he cannot control his emotions properly. He finds it difficult not to hurt others with what he says. While he knows very well that he hurts other children.
I would really like to raise my children at home. However, that is not possible, but since I have been actively involved in this ministry I have seen how destructive watching television or playing video games on tablets is. Even educational programs that you can do with the tablet are not always usually friendly.
For a while I watched as my son’s emotional outbursts intensified. Until he also started showing verbal aggression. When I discussed this concern with my Heavenly Man He reminded me of the chapter in the Wise Women book that talks about how destructive watching television is. Halfway through last year I decided to cancel the cable TV connection I had. Which immediately gave me enormous relief in my feelings and also in my finances. And at the end of last month, He empowered me to greatly reduce the amount of hours spent watching TV and using tablets for gaming. At first my three boys put up a lot of resistance. But now for a few weeks they know when they can play and the rest of the time they have to interact with others. Which resulted in them playing outside with neighborhood children on both days last weekend. In retrospect, they loved it. They even made new friends. My youngest son’s emotional outbursts are greatly reduced. He is increasingly coming to pick up or bring a hug or just give a kiss. It is unbelievable what a restoration my Heavenly Love is making in my family. I can’t wait to see which fruit I’ll see next.

7 thoughts on “Seeing the Fruits🤩”

  1. My sweet Kristine, thank you for sharing how our Heavenly Husband is changing not only your life, but also your kids!!
    How amazing is that one small change really makes an impact to our children lives!!
    Love to see you enjoy the fruits of your labor and your obedience to Him!!
    I wan to share with you our nw page, that can also help your boys to learn thankfulness:

    1. Before I left, after commenting on what Kristine had to say, I had to give you a round of applause 👏🏻 to perfectly responding as I’m hoping all the ministers will do.
      Not only, did you address and acknowledge this perfect praise from her, but you also created to bridge to feed her and us more.

    2. Hello Isabella, yes i have already started with the gratitude promises. I added this before going to bed. Discuss and talk about 1 Bible vers per week. It’s so great to have the guys build a relationship with their Best Friend in this way.

  2. Hi Kristine,
    Thanks for sharing with us how your son is getting transformed by his HF (heavenly Father) and also how He is making sure to see the true about the mom He wants you to be, which differs a lot from what the world teaches to all of us unfortunately.
    Before my EH left home as he was struggling already with finances, he removed the TV by cable and it was the best decision he could make for me without even knowing, because I have now 7 years without the service and my Beloved is the one leading me to choose what he wants me to learn from in Youtube or Streaming which I do love. I feel so free of being away from that burden, such a blessing and I this will be a blessing for your kids as well.

  3. Dear Kristine, this is beautiful. There’s so much that I could say, but I think the main part is that you went to your heavenly Man to know what to do. Other mothers might be tempted to skip this step, and just focus on disconnecting their TV or Internet , which is always a good thing. But only after WE do the most important part WHICH YOU DID 🥳❤️🥳.

    It not only helps other mothers to know what to do when they have ANY concerns about their children, but I also believe that when we go to our heavenly Man, as you love to call him, he follows through and makes sure that what you asked and what he has lead you to do is successful. It takes every bit of burden off of us and puts every bit of praise on him with the testimony to share with other mothers. Well done in every way!!

  4. Dear Kristine, thank you for opening your heart by sharing something that, for us mothers, often brings concern to our hearts. But always reminding ourselves that we can do like you, to go to Him to guide us, it’s so light, isn’t it! Knowing that He will always show us what must be done, just as He did with you.
    I see this happening to me, when I go to Him first, then I act as He guides and I see my daughter perfectly understand what I am guiding her.

    1. Hello Marta, yes that is the cure. First share your concerns and concerns with Him and then wait for Him to tell you the best thing to do. You can then be sure that good fruit will come from it. We don’t have to think for ourselves. Just follow His voice.

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