Homeschool – Suddenly Spontaneous

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." I4319

After the first few months of homeschooling, the opposition came, of course, right?

Immediately the same man (the children's father) whose idea it was to homeschool started asking me if the children were really socializing enough, if they weren't missing out because they weren't at school.

And of course, then I began to doubt whether it was the right thing to do and I then asked my Husband two things. Firstly to show me how the children can socialize a bit more and secondly, are we doing the right thing? Will He confirm this for me, please?

Today I'm going to tell you about the first confirmation I got about my son. First I have to give you a little background about him.

My son is very quiet and withdrawn. He does not mix with a large group of people, he is on his own most of the time. I have 2 brothers and two sisters and we all have children so when get together, it is a big group, the children and now also some grandchildren (what a lovely blessing).

For some time he was at the insistence of his father to see a psychiatrist and he (the psychiatrist) told me that my son is on the spectrum for autism. The word is thrown around so easily today that I decided not to take it to heart. Assuming what he said is true, then I know my son's Heavenly Father made him this way for a reason. He wants to use him for something specific. Isn't it nice to know your child was made for a purpose? I know my dear son is bound for something great his Father has planned for him, as with each of your children. He was created exactly as he is, because the Lord wants to use him.

Now that you know that, let me tell you what happened at our next gathering of our big family. Usually, my son withdraws and sits in the living room and watches television because there are too many people and noise around him. Not this time. Suddenly he is part of the group, he joins the conversations. He chats with my sisters and even makes a joke or two with them. My mouth hung open in surprise. Even more than that, my sisters couldn't believe it. They told me it was as if he was another child. They couldn't get over how much he had changed.

Of course, his father and stepmother also saw the change, but they attribute it to other things. I, however, knew that it was just my Husband showing me that we were on the right path.

Next time I will tell you how He confirmed to me that we are doing the right thing, through something my daughter asked.

2 thoughts on “Homeschool – Suddenly Spontaneous”

  1. Gloire a Dieu…
    Vraiment il faut refuser les verdicts… Dieu a démontrer qu’il est au controle peu importe ce que les médecins les psy racontent nous avons une assurance en Christ… Et oui nos enfants sont destinés a des grandes choses… Pour le Seigneur
    Glory to God…
    Really we must refuse the verdicts… God has demonstrated that he is in control no matter what the doctors and psychologists say we have assurance in Christ… And yes our children are destined for great things… For the Lord

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony precious Yvonne, yes your son is for sure bound for something great! I love what our Darling Lord does, He is really the best ever Heavenly Father to our children!!!

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