Let´s Fellowship Together!!
Read Making the Most of Your Life “Let Her Works Praise Her!”
This is the fifth chapter that we will be discussing on our Fellowship!!
"No matter what the problem area of your life is, when God enters into that part of your life, it will change! Most of us never rely on God or ask for His help, but instead, we struggle to do things in our own strength by leaning onto our own understanding of what we think we should do. It isn’t until we are at the end of ourselves that we cry out to Him. Why wait?
So how did someone like me learn to be known for organization and keeping a well-run home while having seven children of my own and a ministry that operates from our home? By seeking Him and through humility."
Let´s renew our minds together!! |
Please come and ask our Beloved to speak life to you through this chapter and then come and join us to discuss it!!
June 1st 2023
W@H / PM Zoom Fellowship
6:00 PM in the Netherlands
6:00 PM in South Africa
12:00 PM EDT America
11:00 AM CDT America
7:00 PM in Turkey
10:00 AM Costa Rica
1:30 AM ACST MONDAY Australia
1:00 AM JST MONDAY Tokyo
Please join us and let experience His love, care and provision always!!
W@H/PM Group Members 🏡: https://homegrownministries.com/wh-group-members/
W@H / PM Zoom Fellowship 🏡: https://homegrownministries.com/hp/ww4hp/wh-pm-zoom-fellowship/
To register please visit the W@H Group Registration 💻: https://homegrownministries.com/wh-group-registration/