What does HomeSchooling look like in my country South Africa

"My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!" P1212

Some countries have a lot of freedom when it comes to homeschooling and although we are not so fortunate to have too much freedom, we do still have the option of homeschooling, which I heard later on a lot of countries don't have.

Of course, the children must be registered with the state and we must ask permission to homeschool our children. The Lord of course helped us through all the steps and at least you don't have to apply every year, just in each phase. That's about 3 times in your child's school career.

You have to follow a certain curriculum that the state gives you and the children have to be assessed on it. The easiest is to find an organization to help with this. There are many places in South Africa available for parents who want to teach at home.

Even if you are a working parent, there are smaller homeschools that can help you while you work during the day, meaning your child doesn't have to attend a large state school or expensive private school. There are so many options, if this is your desire, just ask your Heavenly Husband and He will guide you. It didn't all happen overnight for me and it was during a crisis for my ex-husband that He made homeschooling possible for me, but I am reminded of the verse I want to share with you:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" M7711

7 thoughts on “What does HomeSchooling look like in my country South Africa”

  1. Merci Yvonne pour ton poste.
    Car rien n’est impossible à Dieu.
    Luc 1:37
    Alors dans un poste je te disais qu’à l’île Maurice les enfants sont obligés d’être scolarisés . Peut -être dans les prochaines années nous aurons droit a ce systeme d’education. Mais je crois surtout que rien n’est impossible à DIEU .

    Thank you Yvonne for your position.
    For nothing is impossible with God.
    Luke 1:37
    So in a post I told you that in Mauritius children are obliged to go to school. Maybe in the next few years we will have the right to this education system. But above all, I believe that nothing is impossible for GOD.

    1. Yes, I believe with you dear Kateline. I cannot wait to hear the testimony that will come from you trusting Him with this.

  2. Thank you, Yvonne, yes there is a lot of options available in SA and at first, I was bit overwhelmed by the choices, but of course I gave it to my Husband to guide me. The “provider” my Husband led me to, which is a AFR 1st language provider with Christian foundation, have three options available; pure homeschooling where the children do not get formally assessed, homeschooling with formal assessment (which He led me to choose), and then online school.

    Throughout each term the children must do tasks that must be submitted, and at the end of each term they write exams that must be submitted for formal assesment. All the tasks and tests must be handwritten, scanned and submitted on the day specified. They have an app where you upload the documents, there are also recordings from previous online classes for each subject that my children have access to.

    Each term you get new textbooks with parent guides, and a timetable with each day’s work set out for the term, which helps me a lot and helps us to keep on track. I am so happy that he led me to this homeschool provider because it is light and easy for the children and me.

    1. Wonderful Adina. Exactly I did not know how many options were available to us until I went to look for options. So amazing.

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, wow this will really help South African Women. I remember when I had my second son I wanted to home school him with my whole heart but I really didn’t think it was possible and my Darling showed me with you it is possible and although my son is finishing school nearly, I can trust our Darling Lord to make it happen for other mums.

    1. Janine, I cannot believe your son is almost done with school. Wow, we are getting old. 😂 Yes, I know that your testimony will also be for other mothers who did not have the opportunity. I love that He takes all of us on a different journey.

      1. 😂 Yes my dear Yvonne, I also can’t believe it! I also love it, and I keep on seeing this beautiful puzzle, with our Darling Lord building the puzzle and He just knows where each peace fits in perfectly. Each on of us being a different shape with our journeys and creating this beautiful picture for His glory.

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