What The Lord Does, Is Perfect

"This is the LORD’s doing, and it is wonderful to see." P118:23

My son invited a friend over for the weekend. Let me quickly explain this friendship, because this is so special, the friend's older brother is friends with my eldest son. The two younger boys (well they are not boys anymore, because they are both 18) both have special needs and they have the same special needs (the whole right side of their bodies are affected because of brain damage). Their other friend that also wanted to come over but couldn't, also has the same special needs. They are 3 best friends and share the same interests with athletics and cricket, isn't that special! And they are all still in school because of their special needs, but our Darling Lord's plans are the best!

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." P127:3

Let me go on, I asked the two young men to please grade me cheese to prepare sandwiches for them. I forgot that they each had only one hand that they have fully control over. I had to smile because the one was holding the grader, the other one was grading the cheese. I love what the Lord does! He orchestrates everything together!

Wow the Lord really knows what He is doing, isn't He just the best!!!

"God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection." P18:30

6 thoughts on “What The Lord Does, Is Perfect”

  1. que hermoso es el señor, nosotros en nuestra humanidad quizás creemos que algo fue hecho mal en nuestro alrededor o en alguno de nosotros, pero el pintor nuestro amado y todo en sus manos tiene un valor que dolo el sabe.

    gracias por compartir 🤗
    How beautiful the Lord is, we in our humanity may believe that something was done wrong around us or in one of us, but our beloved painter and everything in his hands has a value that only he knows.

    thanks for sharing 🤗

    1. You put it so beautiful precious Nelly, yes our Beloved Painter, has everything in His hands and it all has value. He just knows what He is doing.

  2. I love the way he sees things and had each one of us made wonderfully in his image and with special gifts. He doesn’t make mistake, He had them help as a team.

    1. Yes precious Jewel our Darling Lord our children’s Heavenly Father does make a mistake. I love what He does!

    1. What a beautiful promise precious Hope. And yes I totally forgot 😊 but their Heavenly Father helped them to make a plan, just as His promise says.

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