Wise Man Warrior

Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. D67

I have an amazing praise to share about my son. We had such a wonderful time together doing the first chapter of the new course available on HomeGrownMinistries called the Wise Man Warrior.

My Lovely Lord and Friend led me to go through the course with him and we were able to discuss so many of the things in the chapter. My son is not a boy of many words, but he mentioned something that he never really talk to me about and that is having his father in the house. He mentioned that he never really know what a father should be like because it feels like his father is too far.

This set me on a new path of guilt and regret, but the Lord quickly set my mind at ease telling me that my son is learning from Him and He is the best example. I felt so much at peace after that. I have often had this picture in my mind that my children are lacking because they don't have their dad in the house, but their Heavenly Father is all they will ever need and my children is learning this from a very young age, where with me it took me very long to realize this as I have always clung to people in my life and only after I lost the ones that mattered the most to me, my mother and then my earthly husband, was I able to realize that I only needed Him.

If you have teenage boys, I would like to encourage you to do this first chapter with them, I would love to read your comments as well.

1 thought on “Wise Man Warrior”

  1. gracias por este testimonio, gracias a Dios mis padres estuvieron conmigo, pero por tantos problemas entre ellos creo que tuve siempre un faltante en mi vida, lo que trajo a mi vida tantos problemas, aunque yo no lo sabía hasta que mi viaje aquí comenzó.
    No me mal interpreten mi padre fue muy bueno y siempre cuido de nosotros, pero el también le dieron lo que sus padres aprendieron, trabajo y responsabilidades desde muy niño.
    Pero creo que por todo esto mi amado siempre desde niña puso en mi corazón un deseo tan grande de servirle y vivir para él.
    Y aunque me he desviado y confundido en el camino él siempre ha sido fiel conmigo.
    y al leer este testimonio oro para que el señor ayude a ese niño y a tantos que son el centro de tantos conflictos y abusos.
    Siempre me he entristecido ver a los niños pasar por tanto, y pensé que era por ser madre, pero creo también que me identifico porque yo también tuve necesidades no solo física sino emocionales que solo mi amado a podido llenar.

    Thank you for this testimony. Thank God my parents were with me, but because of so many problems between them, I think I always had something missing in my life, which brought so many problems to my life, although I didn’t know it until my journey here began.
    Don’t get me wrong, my father was very good and always took care of us, but he was also given what his parents learned, work and responsibilities from a very young age.
    But I think that because of all this, my beloved always put in my heart since I was a child such a great desire to serve him and live for him.
    And although I have strayed and confused along the way, he has always been faithful to me.
    And when reading this testimony, I pray that the Lord helps that child and so many others who are the center of so many conflicts and abuses.
    I have always been saddened to see children go through so much, and I thought it was because I was a mother, but I also think that I identify with it because I also had needs, not only physical but emotional, that only my beloved has been able to fill.

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