HomeGrownMINISTRIES.com "HomeGrown Ministries" is a branch of RMI that began by ministering to parents and their children—providing resources to nurture spiritual and emotional growth for the next generation who will take our place. Later, we realized that all adults can benefit from learning to navigate the world by knowing the Word of God, having a relationship with our Heavenly Father, God, and having a true Best Friend.
"I am the vine, and you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." J155
We continue to see the many branches designed to help parents minister to and train their children. Ultimately, your children have a Wise and Perfect Father who waits for you to ask Him to guide you in everything you do. Talk to Him about the resources on this page. Let Him lead you to study and minister through your comments—sharing your testimonies!
HGM HomeGrown MINISTRIES began when we began seeing the fruits of a second generation that believed that a HomeGrown child is far and above more BLESSED than turning the training over to the state or anyone else. GOD's plan for each child is to grow spiritually and emotionally strong in the rich soil of the FAMILY, in their own Home.
Later, we discovered that most of us personally benefited from the resources as adults. Many of us who were suffering from childhood trauma were healed based on the foundational truths that were missed growing up through the Devotional and children's books.
We believed that encouraging women with all the Lord has shown us and blessed us with is what He was calling us and you to do. This is how a newly formed Branch of RMI began, an exciting way for all of us to Encourage ALL Women.
Young or old, women who are mothers—many of whom have chosen to educate their children themselves at home—ALL of us were influenced as a child and will benefit from the many children's books and our Devotional.
A Wise Woman in Waiting
For Single Women and Teens
Enter by the Narrow Gate HomeSchooling for Him!
Visit our Powerful Books Page

Hi, I would like to know if there is material for men. I want to help a friend whose wife wants to leave him.
Hola, quisiera saber si hay material para hombres. quieto ayudar a un amigo que su esposa quiere dejarlo.
Hi, here is the link the men’s website:
Hola, aquí está el enlace al sitio web de los hombres: