Children, honor your father and mother (the first commandment with a promise) so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3

“A voice is heard, mourning and great weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they are no more.” “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD.

“Your children will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your descendants,” declares the LORD. “Your children will return to their own land.”

“Soon your descendants will come back, and all who are trying to destroy you will go away. Look around you and see, for all your children will come back to you. As surely as I live,” says the LORD, “they will be like jewels or bridal ornaments for you to display.”
While you wait, Streams on July 26
Adina Jacobs 🇿🇦🇺🇸
Yvonne vd Hoff 🇿🇦🇺🇸
Erin 2024

Adina: After the divorce I had primary custody of the children. My former husband had them 3 weekends per month. I never thought that 2 years later I would face a custody battle.

As heartbreaking as it was, my Beloved Lord was with me through it all. Although I lost primary custody and became a weekend mom for almost a year and a half, I knew He was using it for good and that it was only a season I had to go through. During the that time I was able to spend so much time with my Beloved Lord, and He used the time to heal me. He also used the time to deepen my relationship with Him and my children. The time I did have with my children were precious and we were able to do things together that we couldn't previously because our time together consisted of getting them to school and back, homework and studying.

My Beloved Lord changed the situation completely, like I knew He would. Now I am Homeschooling my children and see them almost every day; every second weekend they are with their dad and during school holidays we divide the time they spend with each one of us.

Yvonne: Even though I have had shared custody of my children all these years, I still felt I lost a lot of time with them, and I did the math. A third of the year, my children are not with me, and I fretted about how much time I lost with them.

He gave me the desires of my heart and made my dream come true of homeschooling my children. Now, I have my children with me the whole day, and He gave me back what the devourer stole from me—TIME with my children—TIME to teach them in the way they should go.

Erin: When my ex wrote telling me our three youngest needed "both a mother and a father," I agreed—knowing God says children are to honor both mother and father. I was also well aware of what made Solomon the wisest man, which was the story of the women who each claimed the same "living" child, but only one would not allow the child to be cut in half—the true mother. 

Restoration Journey Novel:
My Custody Loss
Adina Jacobs

It is my hope and prayer that what I shared in my Novel, will help and encourage you to go through custody battles, or anything that comes against you, with the Lord as your Mighty Counsellor, with Him right by your side holding you, because if you face these trails with Him and His way, He will be faithful and turn it around for your good!

"The Lord will fight for you;
you need only to be still.”
Exodus 14:14

Resources that helped me to face Custody Loss:

Trusting God with Restoring Custody may be one of the most difficult and controversial topics in the United States, which has become a deadly battleground. Almost daily, a parent fighting for custody is found dead, killed by the other parent, so the child (once fought over) is basically orphaned—the loss of (usually) the mother and a serving a life sentence in prison.