He knows what is best for the children

Yesterday during our Restoration Fellowship while the ladies shared about ministering, my Heavenly Husband reminded me about our first ministry, our children. He also led me to share this with the ladies and share Homegrownministries with them. It was also a good reminder for me. And I am so grateful for these resources, especially the Homeschooling 4 Him course which I will start soon since the children will be homeschooled from next year, which is something I never planned on doing until my journey started, it actually became a desire of my heart last year when I was a weekend mom.

At the end of this month, we are going to give notice at the children's current school. There are two possible Homeschooling Institutions we are considering, both Christian Institutions, but one Afrikaans 1st language and the other English first language. It still amazes me how my HH turned my fh heart around to even consider homeschooling after I gave it to HH!

I shared previously how my Husband showed me that moving to an English 1st language school caused my daughter to struggle in school, well it is not improving, and my Husband led me to ask her math tutor to test her in AFR and ENG to see if language is still the problem. So, once she let me know, we will make the final decision (well I am giving it to my HH because He knows what is best for the children, He is their Heavenly Father after all, and He will work it out).

But I am still in awe how Homeschooling is now not just a possibility, but a reality because my HH made the impossible possible. I just know that I will have to rely heavily on my HH to guide me through this new chapter of our journey. I am just so incredibly grateful for all the resources available for children and the My Beloved Child that the children and I read together every day when they are with me. I am blessed to have this time with my children where we can read the devotional for the day and talk about it.

And I have to share something also that always leave me smiling. My son is almost 10 yrs old, but he always wants to pray before we go to bed and when we sit down for dinner. He is such a little man and always tells me how he asked his Heavenly Father to protect our house or protect us while we are driving somewhere and how his prayers were answered. My daughter also started to write down all her favorite verses, and that really touched my heart that she is developing a relationship with her Heavenly Father.

2 thoughts on “He knows what is best for the children”

  1. Adina this is just a miracle and living proof that He is faithful and He changes hearts and guides us through our journey with our children!
    Book 1. Mighty Warrior “Closer than a Brother”: https://homegrownministries.com/hp/ww4hp/ctb/
    This book is amazing to teach your little prince to get even closer to His Heavenly Father!!
    Please share what does he thinks!!

  2. Dear Adina, I was so happy to read your beautiful report that day. Your Husband will certainly direct what is best for your children.
    I’m looking forward to the day when He too will fulfill my heart’s desire and Brincy’s too, to be able to homeschool her.💓

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