“Therefore, put on the full ARMOR of GOD
so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil.
Then after the BATTLE you will still be standing firm.
Stand your ground,
By putting on the belt of TRUTH and
the body ARMOR of God’s righteousness.
Have you ever felt like no one understands— like there's really no one who can protect and care about you all the time—everywhere you go? Then it's time you find your special BFF "Best Friend Forever" by reading this story just for YOU His Prince—to show you how you are destined to be His Mighty Warrior!
For Fathers, Grandparents, Uncles, Cousins, Friends 🤩
For Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Cousins, Friends 🤩
Chapter 1
Closer than a Brother
FBF “Forever Best Friend”
Like most blessings, Erin discovered her Forever Best Friend in the midst of a crisis. When Erin was just 6, she and her older brother went to a private school on the other side of the Hollywood Hills from where her family lived. Because Erin’s brother was four years older, it was his responsibility to take her home. Early each morning, they were dropped off at school by their dad, who was a cameraman and worked on television shows and in movies. But it was Erin’s older brother, Adrian, who took her home from school each day on the public bus. But on this fateful day, Adrian bribed Erin with enough money to buy a mile-high ice cream cone if she would go home on the bus by herself.
Adrian quizzed Erin over and over to make sure she knew the name and number of both public buses she needed to take. He asked her how much money was for each bus, to be sure to remember to ask for a transfer on the first bus, and where to get off to change buses. Erin, who was just six and in first grade, was much too young to understand the danger, so she smiled happily, agreeing excitedly, patting all the coins in her small blue uniform pocket for the bus fare and her ice cream as she crossed the street to wait for the bus.
While waiting on the corner across from their school, Erin started to get scared because she was confused as she waited for her first bus. So many buses stopped and opened their doors before she read the right name and the correct number. But as soon as the right bus came and she got on, putting her coins into the farebox and got her transfer, which she folded tightly, stuffing it into her small pocket, she smiled in relief and took a seat. All she could think about was ordering her strawberry mile-high ice cream cone!
Just as the bus passed the famous Chinese Theater where everyone was taking pictures, standing in the movie star’s footprints and on their knees with their hands in their handprints, she jumped up and excitedly pulled the cord to let the bus driver know she wanted to get off at the next stop. Erin knew she didn’t need to pull the cord, Adrian always told her this was the busiest corner in all of Hollywood (maybe the whole world!), and it's why he always held her hand after they got off.
That day no one held Erin’s hand. She stood at the exit before the bus stopped and was the first one off the bus. At the corner, she waited for a green light and crossed the street, heading for the corner soda fountain. She handed the man her money and ordered a strawberry mile-high ice cream cone. Delighted, she sat down to read the comic books, forgetting she needed to watch the time. All of a sudden, she remembered, and her heart started pounding. As Erin rushed outside, she looked up to see the digital clock on the bank, and the time was exactly when the bus would leave! Then to her horror, she saw where she should have been waiting, and there was her bus—slowly pulling away!
This happened once before when Adrian was joking around with his friends. So Erin knew the next bus going into the Valley, over the Hollywood Hills, wouldn’t come for another hour. So she crossed the street heading to the bus stop, then went into the bank. Erin and Adrian loved to play in the bank when their mom went down into the basement to the giant vault to put important papers in or take important papers out. They’d ride the elevator up and down. They’d go to the top of the stairs, then sit down and slide on the curved marble stairs taking them to the lobby.
Unfortunately, playing inside the bank was another mistake—it caused Erin to miss the next bus and the bus after that.
By the time Erin got on her bus to get home 4 hours later, it was dark. Being on a bus when it was light inside but dark outside terrified Erin. She was so sure she’d miss her stop and end up miles from home. So even though there were dozens of stops before they’d reach her street, Erin began cupping her hands to peer out the window, watching for her stop.
Almost an hour later, after she passed the Party Shop, where she stole a small trophy and got caught, Erin was relieved to get off and cross the street to head up the hill to her house. But this is when she was the most frightened! There were still no streetlights on her block, so Erin began by walking up the dark street but soon she started to run to get home where she would feel safe again!!
By the time she got home, she was crying, very sure that her brother would be in a lot of trouble for not taking her home. As she walked into the kitchen, she heard her mother call out, “Hurry and take off your uniform, Erin; dinner is almost ready.” Sobbing, she told her mother that Adrian had made her come home on the bus alone!! Erin’s mom, still stirring the spaghetti sauce, turned and smiled at her, “But look how grown-up you are, Erin; you made it home by yourself, and you’re just fine.”
Erin didn’t realize that she wasn’t alone on the bus. She wasn't alone while walking up the street in the dark—her FBF was there, but she wasn’t able to feel Him without faith, faith that God would soon give her His eternal gift. The day when she would meet her Savior, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Later too, she learned that being brave means that despite being full of fear, the brave advance rather than retreat, knowing it is the Lord who promises to fight for us and, most often, will simply ask us to stand by and watch Him fight on our behalf. Sometimes, too, we watch as God causes our enemies to become confused, and they turn and destroy each other!
Another lesson a mighty warrior must learn is that God said, "Children are a gift from God... a reward"? It’s true, and real men, like Anthony, who not only loves and looks forward to having children of his own, and Edward, who has a daughter—but like all real men, true warriors, Anthony wants a quiver full of children. Everybody was sure that Edward would have a full quiver when he married because he loved children so much. And yet, God also says, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."
The reason real men, men of God, want a quiver full is to be ready for battle. God said children are “Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them. The more you have, the better off you will be because they will protect you when your enemies attack you.” So as a true warrior, you can dream, as Anthony has, as Edward has, of having a quiver full of children—young warriors who will join you in the battle for good and against evil.
Chapter 2
"All Things for Good"
Why would God let this happen to Erin, not just having to face getting home on her own the first time, missing her bus several times until it was dark, but also having to do it each time Adrian wanted to send her home alone? Erin knew God loved her, so why did He let this happen? Why do bad things happen?
Would you believe that what happened was all God’s plan? It’s true. God used this and every difficulty in Erin’s life for GOOD. God allowed this crisis to happen in order to prepare Erin for her future and even her children’s future. It’s the same with you!!
That night, as she lay in bed, Erin realized no one could be with her all the time. There was no one to guide or protect her or make her feel safe all the time. Erin knew her mother loved her, but her mother didn’t understand her fear, and she couldn’t always be with her.
Erin had lots of older siblings, but none could hold her hand to make her feel safe and not miss another bus. That night Erin longed for a brother, a mother, a father, a friend—Someone who would be with her all the time. Someone who would never forsake or abandon, or desert her. Someone who understood. Does this sound like Someone you would want to meet, Someone you would want to know?
Chapter 3
"Lord of Hosts"
Erin ended up riding the bus alone a couple more times that year before summer vacation. And even though she’d learned her lesson to not spend time anywhere else but at the bus stop, the fear of being alone still gripped and frightened her.
Then, at God’s appointed time Erin became His Princess, never to be alone again, something life-changing that happened at the beginning of the following year.
Erin’s favorite nun was who God sent to prepare her and her classmates for their First Holy Communion. Even more important was preparing Erin for her first confession. The nun who God chose was raised a Baptist and Erin didn't know that she was about to meet her Prince! The Prince of Peace. The Best Friend she wanted and needed Who would be with her always. The Son of God who Erin fell in love with.
All her life, Erin would have Someone who would guide her “He leads me” and protect her and make her feel safe no matter where in the world—all around the world is where He planned to take her someday. The truth is, God causes everything to happen for good. The first and most important good that came from this, was to meet that Someone who would never forsake, abandon, or desert Erin. Someone who understood. A Mighty Warrior who would fight her battles—the Lord of Hosts— the Lord of Armies who led all the warring angels.
It happened when the nun explained that even though there was a priest in the confessional, to imagine that they were speaking to God Himself, confessing everything to Him. Confess everything they'd ever done wrong right there in the church pew. So while kneeling quietly in the dark church, Erin confessed everything to God beginning with how she wanted her brother punished for making her go home alone. Erin confessed to stealing the trophy in the Party Shop and Erin confessed for each time she talked in class when it was forbidden.
After Erin finished she immediately felt wonderfully different!! Tears of joy began running down her cheeks. The nun saw her and gave her a hug. But the hug she felt was inside and she knew it was from Him. Erin was happier than she ever felt in her life. Erin felt lighter, happier, safer, and peaceful.
Erin’s name actually means peace, but she never felt peaceful. Not like this peace. It was like it surpassed, exceeded, all her understanding.
After a few minutes, while everyone visited the priest (the part Erin didn’t like and learned later was unnecessary), the nun passed around “unconsecrated” hosts said to be the body of Christ. Then in a very quiet voice, she said, "Now it's time to ask the Lord into your heart because your hearts are now clean." She said, "Ask Him to come in and live there, in your heart, giving your life and your future to Him." Bowing her head again, Erin asked Him to live in her heart and at that moment she changed instantly and radically.
Erin didn’t need any more religion, nor do you. We want and need a relationship with our Creator. Religion isn’t bad or wrong as long as it doesn’t get in the way of a relationship that isn’t earned but given freely.
The change in Erin was so profound that her parents believed it was the Catholic school she went to. They said this to everyone who asked, “What’s gotten into Erin? She’s not that rambunctious, naughty little girl that used to give you so much trouble.” Everyone believed it was the strict Catholic school and the nuns who had changed her. In a way they were right, it was a nun who introduced Erin to find forgiveness and ask the Lord to live in her heart. But what changed Erin was something you can also have.
From that day on, Erin was never the same. That year the Lord became Erin’s FBF Forever Best Friend. Due to the way God orchestrated Erin’s life, just like many people in the Bible, and maybe just like YOUR life too—Erin’s life was separated and she was set apart—separate and set apart from just about everyone.