Pray for the man her HF had for her

I want to share a praise about my daughter, something I have been talking to me Heavenly Husband about since last year.

When they started at the current school they are attending, my daughter developed a "crush" on one of the boys in her class. It was one sided because he already had a girlfriend (my heart couldn't handle it, they were only 11 and 12 yrs old!!). I talked to her about it and told her to rather wait and pray for the man her Heavenly Father had for her when she grows up. They developed a friendship, and I also told her to not get involved with a guy with a girlfriend because it is wrong. But she told me she knows and doesn't want to get involved with him while he is involved. I told her about being set apart and keeping yourself pure, not just physically, but also emotionally. But I didn't push or nagged her, but I did go to my Heavenly Husband and asked Him to act in the situation, and He did.

At the beginning of this year, I noticed she stopped talking about him, because she always did (while I kept on praying). So, I asked her, and she told me she doesn't want anything to do with him because he went and told everybody something she told him, and so her "crush" on this boy fizzled out. My HH answered my prayers!

I forgot all about it until yesterday when she came to me and told me this boy just asked her out through WhatsApp and she doesn't know what to do. I told her she is too young to get involved with a boy and everything else I told her previously, but that she must pray about it (while I talked to my HH). A while later she came back in tears, she said she said yes but as soon as he read the message, she felt in her heart it was not the right thing to do and don't know what to do now because she doesn't want to hurt him. I told her to go talk to her Heavenly Father so He can guide her (while I praised Him for working in her heart!)

She was very nervous to go to school this morning, but I assured her, her HF will help her. When I went to fetch them, I asked her what happened, and she told me that she told him she is too young to date. I am so grateful that my HF answered her prayers and helped her. And my HH answered my prayers and turned her heart because she said she doesn't feel anything for him anymore!!!

8 thoughts on “Pray for the man her HF had for her”

  1. Wow Adina what a wonderful testimony of letting your HH take care of something that was heavy on your heart. You are teaching your daughter to follow her HF as well. This is such a problematic thing with young kids wanting to date at such a young age. It is so sad to see because that is not what our Lord has designed it to be. But when we take our worries and cares to Him, He will answer us. We don’t need to talk talk talk and apply pressure to situations, we simply need to let our HH take care of it. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Because I was such a rebel as a teenager and young adult, and know the more I push the more she will resist, and from everything we learn here at the ministry, I know surrendering everything to Him will have the best results. Yes, I do talk to her, but the only one who can work in her heart and work in the situation, is her Heavenly Father. I just have to surrender and trust.

  2. Love, love this!!! Praise the Lord our children are being Set Apart and raised differently!! Bethia has been a challenge because she is very extroverted she draws people to her, but as you did I keep praying so she learns to say no, and also for her Heavenly Father to put away the boys that come her way until He sends her the right one! I explained to Bethia that dating is dangerous because is giving her time, love, and care to someone that is not her husband and that breakups are like mini divorces!! Praise the Lord He leads us and protects them from the world’s teachings! 🤩

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, I needed to read your testimony, because my son is talking to a girl, but in the week she cried because it seems her mother is a little judgmental about my son’s special needs and I don’t want him to focus on relationships now, but your praise was just now a reminder to me, my son’s Heavenly Father has it all under control and that I must just leave it to Him.

    1. That is all we can do Janine, our children’s HF loves them more that we ever can, and He will work in the situation if we surrender it to Him. It is not easy seeing our children getting involved with somebody, we do not want to see them get hurt or make the same mistakes we made. I want my children to wait for the one their HF has for them, and remain physically and emotionally pure for whoever their HF have for them. But only their HF can turn their hearts and can protect them.

  4. My sweet Adina 💖 I really love your testimony. It’s quite easy to identify ourselves with the topic of dating, having the idea for setting apart, and the goal of remain pure physical and emotionally.
    I praise Our Love for being in favor of you, for answering without delays. What a great Heavenly Father and Husband He Is.
    From where I stand, praying and hoping is the way to let go every big and small issue with our children, His children. In Colombia, we have a proverb: young children, small concerns. Older children, bigger issues. 😅 Fortunately, we know the right Person, the right time and the Savior of each situation.
    My girl is a baby yet, but it’s never to early to pray for specific issues. For instance, after shower, while getting dress I talk to her and offer praises to my HH for letting me know His commands of pureness, then praying for her innocence, His virtue in her life and not too often but sometimes I pray for my daughter’s husband.

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