“Therefore, everyone who hears these Words of Mine and acts upon them may be compared to the wise who built upon the Rock.
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall,
for it had been founded and built upon the Rock.” Matthew 7:24-25.
After more than thirty years of ministering, we discovered that healing the child began when our parents began reading our children's books! After watching their transformation, from learning God's Promises beginning with simple stories and allegories, adults were discovering a vital relationship with their Heavenly Father and finding a forever Best Friend.
Reading children's books has encouraged me so much. I remember reading "Closer than a Brother" out loud to the children, and there were one or two places where I had to pause before I could read again because I was filled with emotion. ~ Yvonne
An added benefit is if you're a mother. Children are the forgotten and overlooked victims who are entirely innocent yet are reaping the consequences of their parents' troubled or failed marriages. These resources will help your children learn the principles and promises along with you so you can turn this crisis into a challenge you take on together, building a stronger family with God as your Father.
If you have children, go through His Prince & Princess Lessons first and then go through them again with them.
We also have provided grown-up versions to some books below.

🪴 HomeGrown Coach 🪴
Completed all 7 Books?
- "Macy's Barn Cat"
- "Horses Hoped For"
- "River of Life"
- The "Wedding Clothes"
- Book 1 My First Love "Closer than a Brother"
- Book 2 On the Rock“Set Apart”
- Book 3 Disagreeable and Contentious “Rejected for Good”