When Our Darling Does More Than We Can Ever Think Or Imagine…

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." E3:20

We have the best ever Lord and please just remember He created Heaven and Earth, so why will we even expect less from Him!!!

First I have to give you precious lady reading here more background so that you can understand how huge this testimony is! My eldest son was born with a c-section and I had general anesthetic so I was asleep with his birth. His dad was there the whole time and didn't leave his side. So when he chose to live with his dad (af few years after we got divorced), I thought it was all because of the stronger bond he had with his dad from birth.

I remember my son going for an emergency appendix operation and after he came out of theater all he wanted was his dad. The nurses thought I wasn't the mum and that hurt so much. With his last day of school all the parents had to go to a church service. I phoned them but nobody picked up, so I went and sat at the back, but my son didn't see me and his grandmother said I was there and by trying to explain to my son it made matters just worse because he refused to believe me and thought I just didn't care, which was of course not the case.

Fast forward, after school our Darling Lord had brought mum and son restoration. There was one more time when my son threatened to leave me when he ran out of the house, but his time I totally gave him over to my Darling Lord and said I can't live in fear of being abanded and I let go. That same night my son came home and said sorry.

A few weeks ago my son said he was going to ask his girlfriend (she has been his best girlfriend for about 5 years) to marry him and he is going to do it when they are at the beach with her parents. I am not going to lie, I did feel a bit hurt, that I was going to not be part of it. I was walking with this hurt feelings, feeling sorry for myself until I talked to my Darling Lord and gave it over to Him and said I let go because I trust whatever is His will, will be the best and by giving it over to my Darling Lord, I didn't feel the hurt anymore.

I know I have you waiting on the big praise report by letting you read a lot, so here it is: Last week my son asked me to please go with him to a huge shopping mall where we live to please help him to choose a ring for his girlfriend. We walked into jewelry shop after jewelry shop and couldn't find a ring he had in mind. Then I said to him, son please agree with me you are going to find the right ring and tell our Darling Lord what you have in mind and I then asked my Darling Lord to please help him choose the right ring and not something I choose. Then we went to a jewelry shop and my son choose a ring but I could see it was still not what he was looking for. He went ahead and started to pay, when I saw beautiful rings of rose gold (what he was looking for) and said to him to please come and have a look. And yes between them there was a ring that he just loved and said this is THE RING mum. The lady that helped us was so helpful and reversed the previous ring and rang this one up. Wait it even gets better, my son asked me to please help him to think of ideas to propose to her.

Isn't this all so special! My Darling Lord really did far more that I can ask or even imagine. All the years I lost, our Darling Lord is turning around for the good!!! And it is ok that he is going to propose while they are at the beach with her parents, I was wrong (and yes I know I have to admit it, something our Darling Lord had to change in me too, because that was wrong of me).

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2C12:9

6 thoughts on “When Our Darling Does More Than We Can Ever Think Or Imagine…”

  1. How beautiful and inspiring to hear how the Lord worked in your life and your son’s life. I know how hard it can be but I’m so glad that you were able to let go of your hurt feelings and trust in His will.

    1. I could only do it with our Darling Lord’s help precious Hope, but isn’t He really the best for being so patient and full of grace with us and nothing which we deserve and still He then turns it around for the good.

  2. Oh Janine, thank you for the beautiful testimony. What a special thing to be able to go with your son to pick out a ring for his bride-to-be. And then he asks you for ideas on how to propose. Wow, that is for course only Him that can do far more than you have ever dreamed.
    Letting go of your hurt and emotions, allowed your son the freedom to be able to ask you. Isn’t He just the best!!!

    1. Precious Yvonne, He really is the Best! He is the Whole meaning of Hope!!!
      And yes I needed to let go of my hurt and my emotions and of course with His help, because apart from Him I can do nothing, so I wouldn’t have been able to do it!

  3. Wow thank you Janine, I relate to some of what you shared about your son, the first two years after my son’s birth, it felt like we couldn’t bond, he only wanted his dad and his grandma, he only accepted me when they weren’t around. But then it suddenly changed, he just wanted me :).

    He is so amazing and He turns everything around for good if we trust Him!

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, our Darling Lord is the best ever, He really does turn everything around for good when we trust Him.

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