Younger Women

“Older women must live in a way that honors God...
they should teach others what is good.
Older women must encourage younger women
to love husbands and children,
to live wisely and be pure,
to work in their homes,
to do good and to be submissive to their husbands.
Then they will not bring shame on the Word of God
—Titus 2:3-5


Encourage, Teach, Train
⏰ Quick 4-Minute read

Being young, you may question whether to marry or have children or how to keep your home or room clean and organized. Sadly, if you're like most people, rather than speak directly to God, your Father, to ask Him—most people will talk to their friends—or search the internet. Being young, your peers lack experience, and even trusted professionals or “experts” are unreliable because they conform to the ideas and morals of their generation. Isn't it comforting to know that God says, “I am the Lord, and I do not change."? And because it's so important, He says it twice in Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8!

Who but your Creator would know more or could be completely trusted with your life now and with your future? And He also made sure to give us a Blueprint to build our lives on, which is a manual to life that never changes with the current fad. Fads are short-lived; they come and go, but God and His Word are forever, and even better, He says, "I will never leave or forsake you!!" (Psalms 119:89, Hebrews 13:5).

Most of society, throughout all time, has denied God and His Word. So why would we listen to the world that continually lies to everyone—especially targeting impressionable youth? Since it's the evil one who comes to "steal, kill and destroy"(John 10:10), the world and "experts" are passionate about pushing us to reject the joy of becoming a mother, let alone a stay-at-home mother, and never, ever to be submissive to your own husband. Better yet, they will tell you your husband should submit to you. Their best option is discouraging you so you never marry or have children—until it's too late and your childbearing years have passed.

These are the same people who have rejected most of the Bible because they don't like what God says—completely rejecting anything to do with becoming a Godly woman. Before I wrote A Wise Woman, I'd never heard anyone when referring to a woman and explaining what type of woman was "precious in the sight of God." Do you know who is "precious in the sight of God?" God says it's beautifying ourselves with the "hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."

Women today, no matter their age, have no idea they are dishonoring, even blaspheming, the Word of God by their choices. My generation had no clue either. So by not knowing, I was foolishly tearing my home, my life down! That's when God called me, and now He is calling you to share our testimonies, "boasting about our weaknesses" to help other women of all ages, not continue to work with the enemy "tearing down our own houses"—our very lives!

In this book and on the EncouragingWomen.ORG website, you can see for yourself what God's Word says to women. Dear Daughter, we want to encourage you, teach you, and train you to look to the future as A Wise Woman in Waiting. We hope you will become a Young Woman "who smiles at the future" because your life is being built "on the unchanging Rock!"

Speaking to hundreds, maybe thousands of women worldwide who have lost everything, the back cover of my WW book says, "You must have good blueprints. Your blueprints must be His Word, which you will find in this book-always. Read the Scriptures. Never skip them. Next, you must find the Cornerstone that everything will be built on. Our Cornerstone is taking the Lord as your Lord, not just your Savior, then going beyond joy as you become His beautiful bride. With a renewed mind, the Lord's blueprint, and Him by your side, you will then be able to rebuild your life instead of foolishly building it on sinking sand."

This feels impossible, right? I mean, with all the challenges women face today, it's not humanly possible! But can I ask, didn't He promise that "Nothing is impossible with God?" Exactly! So when you or I do anything and everything with God, He promises that we are guaranteed to achieve and succeed. God will make the impossible possible in your life! Why? Because this gives you a testimony to fill your portfolio, the story of your life that everyone reads (2 Corinthians 3:2).

Unfortunately, most older women in your life already have proven they are incapable and are in no position to encourage and teach what God says. Women have never lived the way God says we should, nor do most women desire this for themselves or you—probably due to ignorance. We all have been listening to scheming and deceitful people who "sneak into other people’s lives and make friendships with silly, sin-burdened women and teach them their new doctrines." So what should we do? Where should you go to learn? Who can you, as a younger woman, learn from?

Faced with these very same questions after the birth of my first daughter, I actually went looking for the older, Godly women in the church we were attending at the time. Do you know what the senior pastor told me when I asked where the older, Godly women were? He said, "Erin, I don't know." Then he leaned forward and said, "Erin, you may be the older woman." I was not only shocked, I was insulted. I was a young mother. I was just 32 and the mother of four.

Well, that proved to be prophetic. Soon after, my life took me down through "the valley of the shadow of death," somewhere we all learn the most.

YOU, my Darling, even though you are even younger, are being called to be the older, wiser woman to someone. It's why you're reading this book. And our ministry will support you, just like our Encouraging Woman logo represents. We have been called to encourage you and help guide you so you can navigate and find the narrow path that few are looking for (so, therefore, they will never find it). God says, "Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to destruction is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose its easy way."

God has called us to encourage, help guide, and teach what we now know is true. No matter how old you are, you are an older example to someone younger. Your life can also shout volumes to older women "as they observe your pure and respectful behavior" because "Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words." Whether you are in your early teens, twenties, or thirties, you can change the life of one girl, a young girl who can be influenced wisely by you as you share and live the truth found in God's Word and His promises.

What will happen if we do not take the time to know God's Word? What happens if we fail to live His truth? What if we ignore the opportunity to encourage and teach younger girls? What else can they do but believe the world’s perverse view on life and evil standards by listening to the so-called “experts”? The “experts” we know will absolutely lead more and more down the wide road to destruction!

Instead, show them by how you live your life and what you say and don't say. Your example will show them how to “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13).

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What to Teach
⏰ Quick 
4-minute read 

There are many things that we could teach the younger women. However, before we run off with some of our own ideas, we need first to see what God says. Does God give us any sort of guidance or direction so we know what He wants us to teach you as a younger woman?

Believe it or not, God does not tell us to teach you our favorite subjects or what we are passionate about (unless it's being passionate about Him). The Bible clearly gives us a specific outline. But before He ever gives us His list, He sums it up right in the beginning, “Teaching what is good.” Isn’t that wonderful? Each time we teach or encourage younger women, you and I must be sure that what we teach is “good”!

Then, God goes on to explain this first requirement within this list found in Titus 2:3:

...Teaching what is good, that [we] may encourage the young women...

to love their husbands

to love their children

to be sensible


workers at home


being subject to their own husbands

[so that] the word of God may not be dishonored.


Whether or not you want your life to speak to others—you have no choice. Our lives are our letters “known and read by all men.” I don’t know about you, but I want my life to reflect the One I love! People are not impressed by the cross you wear around your neck or the Bible you always carry with you, or by "claiming" to be a Christian. People, especially your peers, are looking at your life, attitude, and love (or lack of love) for others. I trust that these principles, each quote that God has led me to share in this book, in this chapter, has opened a floodgate—sheer passion from your heart and that you will take the next step toward a life that whispers and will soon shout “I am His, He is mine.” (Song of Solomon 2:16)

For you to change your life, you will need to do these three things in this order:

  1. Know the Word of God.
  2. Live the Word of God.
  3. Speak the Word of God.

Know It

“Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). Until you know something, you cannot live it. If this is your first time through this workbook, you have seen how learning the "truth" has "set you free" (John 8:31) in many areas of your life where you were once chained to burdens. This is not the power of this workbook—it is the power of God's Word.

Dear daughter, you have already made huge changes in your life that will encourage younger women by taking this course and really studying the Word of God just as you would a college or university course. Most of us, if not all of us, began building our lives on sinking sand. Our opinions and lifestyles were not based on knowing God's Word or how He created us. Instead, we ignorantly found "teachers who say what [we] want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3)

Once you know the truth, then you need to replace your old thoughts and old opinions with God's truth.

“Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you can understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.” (Romans 12:2) God’s way of changing us is simple, perfect—effortless. He tells us in this promise that by renewing our minds by knowing what God says, God will change us into new people. (2 Corinthians 5:17) On top of all that, we also prove, by how we live our lives, what the true will of God is for a woman – that which is good, pleasing, and perfect!!!

How often have you and I TRIED to change ourselves? And each time we try, we once again end up defeated. It's depressing. Yet, God’s ways are different. His ways are far above our ways and our reasoning.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

The only way to change ourselves is to renew or "make new" our minds and how we think about everything. The only way to change others is to live with them in "love that is patient, kind," etc. The best way to make the new way you think is to begin to LIVE it.

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Live It

Once you discover a favorite promise and it's renewed your mind, then your life will naturally begin to reflect the change. The changes will appear in how you act and especially react to things. Here's what I mean, when I fasted for the first time, I was too weak to argue... I was too weak to really say anything—wow—I discovered that having a gentle and quiet spirit was life-changing— a breath of fresh air. And because I wasn't talking, I could hear my loving Husband, your Betrothed, who would kindly and lovingly speak to me and give me insights I had never considered. Even though I learned this principle as part of my Restoration Journey, "agree with your adversary quickly," after I tore my life and family down with my own hands, I discovered it worked beautifully in all my relationships.

Just imagine all you are learning directly from God and knowing His Word, how living it rather than hanging onto your old habits or friendships that don’t fit in with your new mind becomes like an entire life makeover!

How freeing to let go of friends who are not "like-minded" and who push us down, holding us down and clinging onto our old habits, when doubts enter and cloud our minds. That's because God says, “Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” (James 1:7-8)

If you don't have a "like-minded" friend... ask GOD! He never fails, and at the "appointed time" (Habakkuk 2:3), He promised and "I'm certain He can perform." (Romans 4:21) While you wait for your like-minded friend, check out what we are teaching children and the story of my Forever Best Friend. Hopefully, you'll discover your FBF, and you will discover a fantastic babysitting resource—there's no better way to learn about being a mother than babysitting—it's what helped me be incredibly prepared. *Oh, and be sure to take advantage of our short, life-changing Living Lessons.

Speak It

Once your mind is renewed and your life reflects your renewed mind, then God will begin to bring new people into your life, people He wants you to encourage. It may already have started happening! One of the greatest needs today is for women, all women, young and old, to encourage other women. Many young women believe in seminary training to become female preachers, but why? You can begin ministering right now and learn everything from God, right from His Word. May I be honest? I am not interested in what just anyone has to say. I am only interested in listening to a someone, like a woman who has lived the life I have been called to live (as a wife, mother, and homemaker), a woman "known by her fruits." (Matthew 7:20). I don’t want someone to point the way; I want to listen to someone who has built a bridge over the deep rivers and valleys they have personally crossed.

For example, when I faced caring for my dying father, I looked to an older wise woman who had cared for her bedridden mother. I knew she knew how I was feeling and the hardship I was facing. Knowing she had done it and had not only survived but did it joyfully—her example helped me to go on. Not only did she help me care for my father joyfully, feeling honored, but then later, when God called me to care for my dying mother. Each opportunity changed my life, and it was due to just one older wise woman who lived what she learned.

Amazingly, this same older wise woman told me I was her example that helped her later care for her dying father—a father who'd abused her mother to the point she was left unable to speak and in a wheelchair. Much of it I documented in a RYR "Restore Your Relationships" lesson, "Enjoy Your Separation."

There are very few who will live a radically different life, a life that whispers, yet shouts, “I am my Beloved's, and He is mine.” (Song of Songs 6:3) But those who do are the very ones who change the course of the history for good. The true history changers may never really know they are changing lives because they're too busy living it.

How will God do it? God will begin your ministry of Encouraging the Younger in your small world—your family, your friends, your church, and your community. Later, as you continue to grow and learn more of God's Word, living more of God's Word, God will begin to expand your borders. Who would have "ever dreamed or imagined" (Ephesians 3:20) that the Lord could take a heartbroken person like me and bless me to have the opporutunity to minister worldwide? Certainly not me! And with IOU and our many blog posts, you can begin ministering today—just by posting and commenting on other posts!

“For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them..” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

God has been looking and now has found you. He wants to use you. Just one person like you can change thousands of lives if you search for the truth, get outside your area of comfort, allow God's Word to change you, and live your life differently based on what God says.

Once again, you may believe this is “impossible,” but I know it is possible. God said it, and I believe it. Even “Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.’” (Mark 10:27)


“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thorny weeds.”  Matthew 7:16 “So then, you will know them by their fruits.”

Everyone gravitates and are drawn to happy people—we all are! We enjoy being around kind and content people— it makes us WANT what they have. My older sister, who became a Christian, told me I was the greatest influence that led her to the Lord and why she became a believer. She said, “I wanted what you have!” She said she saw my children, my life, and the blessings I lived in; despite all the valleys I faced. So, one day she said, “Why not me!” Then as I talked to her, she realized Who was at the center of my life and Who was the One who gave me these blessings.

The church is know to ask people where they will go when they die. I believe we need to know Him to live and live life abundantly. And rather than say anything or confront them, LOVE them and LIVE the life others will want to have too!

So many women talk and lecture their family members until they are blue in the face. Yet, they're puzzled, wondering why they don’t want to accept the Lord or attend church with them. But when we are happy, no matter our circumstances, and remain kind, listening to their hearts, and becoming His church, that’s a life worth wanting.

No, it doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process.

To be honest, I began looking like a complete NUT, a moron, and a fool because rather than do everything most women would do (when their husbands cheated on them and then abandoned them). I followed what God said, and as it turned out the I became a “fool who confounded the wise." I discovered that God loves to choose what and who is weak to show His strength. (1 Corinthians 1:27)

Oh, what a joy it was not to have to debate or try to make anyone understand why I did what I did. Over the years many, many people have confronted me on the number of children I was continuing to have and our radical decision to teach our children at home rather than sending them to school (totally crazy back in 1987). Back then, choosing to “stand by my man” a man who was in adultery, was unthinkable. Later our non-dating practices for our teens before they married made even our families think we'd lost our minds. But it didn’t take long for me to see that I would not convince them or anyone else by what I said. I had to live it long enough to produce fruits.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

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Fulfilling Your Call
⏰ Quick 
4-minute read

When my fourth child was born I was in my early thirties. This child, my first girl, completely change my life. I worried that someday she would look to me and imitate me as she grew up. I knew I needed help and then I discovered something about the “older women teaching the younger women.” As I said earlier, I went to my pastor and asked him where I might find an “older woman” to teach me and that he said, “I don’t know.” If a girl came to your pastor, today, and asked the same question, what would he say?

Because I made so many mistakes that could have been avoided had I just had one godly woman showed me what the Bible said, my life would have been so much better, so much easier. Then if that same woman loved me enough to tell me when I was making a fatal mistake, like how contentious I could be, which resulted in my marriage being destroyed, just imagine how much happier I could have been. So, way back when I first began ministering to women like me, women who'd also torn their own house down, my heart really has been to be an older woman to help younger women prevent their houses from falling. To encourage younger women, teens, and even young girls how to build their lives on the Rock, not sinking sand.

Everyday it becomes harder to minister because most young women don’t want to listen to anyone about anything. They listen to anyone or look to “experts” for how to train their children rather than asking God to show them a woman who has the well behaved children. They listen and take “advice” from other foolish, arrogant woman who are in the world and follow that fatal advice with their husbands or use their example to make the fatal decision to never marry of have children.

This workbook, I hope, is just one of the many ways that God has heard your heart. It clearly has given me “the desires of my heart” because for decades my ministry has been focused on helping desperate brokenhearted women. Women who have just found out that their husband has been sleeping with their best friend, has moved in with her, or has just filed for a divorce. Yet for years my heart has wanted to be able to help prevent everyone from the pain and heartache that so many of us have endured but came through. Rather than waiting for the problem to arise in each other's lives, let's agree to become the “older woman” and invite everyone we know to study A Wise Woman in Waiting. Maybe the best place to begin is reading and sharing the stories and promises on HomeGrownMinistries.com!

Take a moment to be alone with your Father and ask Him about starting your own group. My entire ministry began when I got together with just one other like-minded woman. We became friends and began studying God's Word to find out what He said about everything we were going through—that became A Wise Woman workbook! It would be so easy to get together with just one friend and go through this workbook.

Very soon you'll discover someone else who wants to join you. Groups grow naturally by word of mouth, and wait until you see the incredible fruits. Imagine if you or one of your friends watched God restore your parent's marriage RYPM that I was blessed to do. Soon you will find that your friends are encouraging and ministering to friends and family you don't even know— people in their church, neighborhood, and other circle of friends.

Has God pierced your heart wanting to make a difference in the lives of your family and friends? Then I would encourage you to begin talking to your Heavenly Father and/or your FBF about finding that one other person. Please don't follow the same path of attending a secular or Christian college or university when you can begin now and enroll in our free online university, RMIOU.

I Will Not Be Ashamed

God promises that if we look to Him, if we trust Him, if we follow Him by knowing what He has said in His Word and we begin to live it. If we don't allow criticism and controversy to cause us to compromise what we know is true, then we, too, will not be ashamed.

“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Psalm 34:5

“Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with Your commands.” Psalm 119:6

"Happy, blessed, and fortunate is the man whose quiver is filled with them [children]! They will not be ashamed when they speak with their adversaries [in gatherings] at the [city’s] gate." Psalm 127:5

“But the Lord God keeps me from being disgraced. So I refuse to give up because I know God will never let me down.” Isaiah 50:7

It may not look like being a humble Christian woman today is an easy road to follow but the way of the world is full of tragedy, shame and horrible consequences—we see it everyday. A woman isn't designed to be strong and living a “religious” life is a waste of time Being religious builds a wall, cutting people off from God, so they have no desire to want Him or know Him.

To live a life that is overflowing with peaceable fruit is the simple life that comes from a heart that belongs entirely to Him and not a life focus on ourself.

It’s a life that radiates the love of the Father and produces peaceable fruits because of our love for Him and His love for us. It’s about living the "Good News," not just in words but in how we act and react. Will you join me by saying, “For I am not the least bit embarrassed about the gospel "Good News.' I won’t shy away from it, because it is God’s power to save every person who believes..." (Romans 1:16) Who do you know might join you?

"Do not blush or be ashamed then,
to testify to and for our Lord,
nor of me, a prisoner for His sake,
but [with me let's] live in the power of God.“

2Timothy 1:8

May Your Life Encourage Younger Women!

Personal commitment: To live my life as a "Good News" letter that reflects who my Father is. “Based on what I have learned from God's Word, I am making a commitment to know, live, and speak the truth to all people in my life. I will begin living my life so family and friends can see my renewed mind by how I act and react, trusting God to branch out as the Lord leads me.”

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Take the Advanced Course of this chapter

★★★★★ Chapter 17 "Opening the Windows of Heaven"

Both Tara and Vana studied A Wise Woman before they married. Read Tara's True Life Fairytale love story and also "The Heartbroken Heiress"

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5 thoughts on “Chapter 17 Encourage Younger Women”

  1. Bom dia queridas mulheres! Eu cheguei a esse MinistĂ©rio ontem, com muitas dores e medos! Quando casei Deus jĂĄ tinha recolhido a minha sogra, sĂł ficaram meu sogro, 2 cunhadas e 1 cunhado, todos mais velhos do que eu, e todos cristĂŁos. Eu desejei muito, por tempos, ser amiga das minhas cunhadas e que elas fossem as “minhas mulheres mais velhas”, mas nĂŁo foi assim. Sou grata a Deus porque hoje, ao ler esse encorajamento, descobri que a Erin e vocĂȘs desse MinistĂ©rio sĂŁo as “mulheres mais velhas” que eu preciso e assim poderei ser a mulher mais velha para a minha filha. Hoje estou melhor do que ontem, meu coração estĂĄ esperançoso de que Deus vai me transformar na mulher que Ele deseja que eu seja.

    Good morning dear women! I arrived at this Ministry yesterday, with a lot of pain and fear! When I got married, God had already collected my mother-in-law, only my father-in-law, 2 sisters-in-law and 1 brother-in-law remained, all older than me, and all Christians. I really wanted, for some time, to be friends with my sisters-in-law and for them to be “my oldest women”, but it wasn’t like that. I am grateful to God because today, when reading this encouragement, I discovered that Erin and you from this Ministry are the “older women” that I need and so I can be the oldest woman for my daughter. Today I am better than yesterday, my heart is hopeful that God will transform me into the woman He wants me to be.

    1. Hello my dear Lady Li, I am so glad you found the site and would like to let you know that there is more hope, please visit https://ajudamatrimonial.com where you can complete a Marriage Encouragement Form (https://ajudamatrimonial.com/meq/) to get encouragement from a 3-Cord of ministry students.

      If sense that the crisis happened to you to help other women, and younger women, please visit our online university, RMIOU, where you can enrol to become a Minister (https://rmiou.com/min/).

      OlĂĄ minha querida Lady Li, estou tĂŁo feliz que vocĂȘ encontrou o site e gostaria de deixĂĄ-lo saber que hĂĄ mais esperança, por favor, visite https://ajudamatrimonial.com onde vocĂȘ pode preencher um FormulĂĄrio de Incentivo ao Casamento (https://ajudamatrimonial.com/meq/) para obter incentivo de um 3-Cord de alunos do ministĂ©rio.

      Se sentir que a crise aconteceu com vocĂȘ para ajudar outras mulheres, e mulheres mais jovens, por favor, visite nossa universidade on-line, RMIOU, onde vocĂȘ pode se inscrever para se tornar um Ministro (https://rmiou.com/min/).

      1. Obrigada por me responder, Adina! Enfim, Deus usando pessoas, como vocĂȘ, para me confirmar que ainda hĂĄ esperança de restauração, a minha individual! Eu jĂĄ
        preenchi o formulårio. Deus a abençoe pela atenção! iniciarei o curso 1 hoje, se Deus quiser.

        Thanks for answering me, Adina! Anyway, God using people, like you, to confirm to me that there is still hope for restoration, my individual one! I already
        I filled out the form. God bless you for your attention! I will start course 1 today, God willing.

  2. OlĂĄ querida Senhora Li! O que eu posso te dizer Ă© que o Nosso Senhor realiza os desejos do nosso coração quando nos satisfazemos Nele. EntĂŁo, se o seu desejo foi de um dia ter a amizade das suas cunhadas, busque ao Senhor de todo o seu coração e quando vocĂȘ menos esperar, a uniĂŁo reinarĂĄ em sua vida. O que eu posso te assegurar Ă© que nada morreu, na verdade, a sua vida (nova) estĂĄ sendo construĂ­da agora. Trabalhe com Deus e tudo o MAIS Ele farĂĄ.

    Hello dear Madam Li! What I can tell you is that Our Lord fulfills the desires of our hearts when we are satisfied in Him. So, if your desire was to one day have the friendship of your sisters-in-law, seek the Lord with all your heart and when you least expect it, unity will reign in your life. What I can assure you is that nothing died, in fact, your (new) life is being built now. Work with God and everything ELSE He will do.

  3. I had to go through the destruction of my life and family to see how many mistakes I made. Growing up in a troubled household I didn’t have a godly example of what a wife or mother should be or How our Beloved Lord created us to be. I followed the world and what it taught and because of my lack of knowledge, my house was built on sinking sand.

    But after the destruction of my house, my Beloved Lord stepped in and in His mercy showed me all the areas I went wrong and how deceived I was with what the world teaches. And now, as an older woman, I can teach my children and other women He sends into my life.

    Embracing the what the Lord teaches in His word about woman and our roll in our households as godly woman, is something that every young woman should know before getting married.

    As an older woman I have learned to embrace how and why the Lord created, it is a privilege and an honour to be a godly woman that looks after the ways of her household and teach her children in the way they should go and that following the Lord’s ways and His design for women, comes with incredible blessings. For so long I was deceived by what the world teaches, especially the feminist movement and their destructive ways.

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