
Chapter 1—
On the Rock
“Set Apart”

Years after Erin met her First Love, she imagined herself standing way up on a Rock—high above a vast, enormous sea. As she was peering down at the sandy beach below, the homes and lives began to disappear sinking into the sand—being washed away.

Erin’s heart ached when she realized she couldn’t rescue them all, “Oh, if only there were more of His Princesses who knew and lived the Promises of Your wisdom, more who knew how to follow Your lead,” she said to her Prince.

“Since each of us is Your letter, written on the hearts, known and read by everyone, each of Your Princesses would be a lifeline, right? Oh if only our families, our friends, and our neighbors witnessed the Promises of Your wisdom—they soon would ask about Your powerful Promises!”  

Dear Princess, did Erin envision YOU? 

When you read and or listened to My First Love "Closer than a Brother" did you see that YOUR life has been set apart

Are You one of His chosen Princesses for such a time as this!?!

Have you answered His call? 

Just stop right now and say, “Here I am, Lord, use me!” just like Erin answered Him.

How wonderful!!! Now everyone who witnesses your life has the opportunity to listen to God and follow Him, being wise too—like a person who builds their house on solid Rock. And that means when the rain comes and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on the Rock.

Isn’t it sad to know that God said that everyone else is like the foolish who built their house on the sand? So when the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that houseit felland great was its fall. But I’m excited, aren’t you? Now God will use you, and all you need to do is simply love others with His love! We love others because He first loved us

Where do we start?

God says we must first love our brother and sister whom we can see—people we live with every day. And if we can love our brother and sister who isn’t always kind to us, like Adrien who left Erin to get home on the bus by herself, then it will be very easy to love everyone—just as long as we keep going to Him for His love, which is perfect love, that casts out and gets rid of all our fear!

Like the fear of the rains, He said will come into each of our lives.

Now it’s the appointed time to record and inscribe your dreams by posting a comment 👇🏻 below 👇🏻 or Post YOUR Praise!

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to the Lord, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads you—pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned

Post your Praise 🥳

From GOD, Your Father!!

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