Chapter 2

Did you know that feeling alone is a cleverĀ schemeĀ the enemy uses to make us believe the lie that our heart is heavy because we need toĀ learnĀ toĀ love ourselves? But GOD thatā€™s a lie because His Word says no one everĀ hatedĀ his own flesh, we cherish it. We are born SELFish. A baby is born demanding, crying for what he or she wants until he or she is old enough to be trained to not love only themselves. Notice the keyword SELF?Ā 

When God sent His Son to live on the earth, He came for many reasons. The first was toĀ break theĀ chainsĀ of deathĀ so we can liveĀ eternally, living with Him now and forever. Another reason God sent His Son to live on the earth was to leave us anĀ exampleĀ to show us howĀ weĀ are to live while here on earth. The Good Lord describes Himself saying,Ā ā€œI amĀ gentle and humble in heartā€Ā so when we live like this, humbly, we are promised toĀ find rest for our soulsā€”no matter what is happening in our lives or whatā€™s happening in the world. Our Lord also says that the only way we can live humbly is for us to beĀ yokedĀ or connected to Him and this will make our livesĀ easy and light.Ā 

Think ofĀ yokedĀ to theĀ Lord of Hosts, tethered to the Lord as we leap out of a plane on a secretĀ mission. Imagine yourself as you board an aircraft and soar to 13,000 feet or almost 4,000 meters (approximately 2 miles or over 3 kilograms high in the air)! When you and your Savior leave the plane, you will be falling at about 120 mph, 54 meters per second, reaching the ground in around 40 seconds! Who would YOU want to beĀ yokedĀ with?Ā 

Of course, theĀ Lord of Hosts, ourĀ Prince of Peace, who exceeds all other armies, much like a Navy Seal who parachutes behind enemy lines to help guide more planes. But His planes are filled with His disciples who are ready and eager to save the lost. Erinā€™s nephew, James, did just that as a U.S. Navy Seal. Back when James was on active duty (which you can read about at the bottom of thisĀ Salvation Story), his mission was to fight an enemy he could see. Now James has a new missionā€”the same as yoursā€”to save the lost and share Godā€™s Word after He became a believer, Godā€™sĀ Mighty Warrior.

TheĀ Good Shepherd, ourĀ Prince of Peace, lived on earth to save the lost. He didnā€™t come to judge the world, His Father is who does that. He lived His life in such a way that He never thought of HimSELF. He carried out the mission of HisĀ Father who sentĀ Him. Laying down His life, He livedĀ humblyĀ so we couldĀ follow His exampleĀ so we would think ofĀ others as more important than ourSELVES. As His Prince, as Godā€™sĀ Mighty Warrior, we never need to be concerned about ourSELVES because God promises toĀ supplyĀ allĀ our needsā€”far MORE than what anyone or anything on earth could give us!!Ā 

It works like this: As we pour our lives and love into others, He pours everything into us! Itā€™s just like the Creator designed our hearts to work since we areĀ fearfully and wonderfully made, madeĀ in His own image, in the image of God!! Picture this, God designed our hearts to pump andĀ giveĀ oxygenated blood to every part of our body, then the blood returns back to the heart to receive more oxygen. Each beat pumps orĀ givesĀ more oxygenated blood to every part of our body so we can live! Imagine if our hearts didnā€™tĀ giveĀ and thought only of itsSELF?! What if God didnā€™t give His only Son?

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to the Lord, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads youā€”pour your heart into yourĀ journal, writing down what you've learned

Post yourĀ PraiseĀ šŸ„³

From GOD, Your Father!!



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