“Therefore, put on the full ARMOR of GOD
so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. 

Then after the BATTLE you will still be standing firm.
Stand your ground, 

By putting on the belt of TRUTH and
the body ARMOR of God’s righteousness. 

For shoes, put on the PEACE that comes from
the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 

to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 

Put on salvation as your HELMET,
and take the SWORD of the Spirit,
which is the Word of God.” 

Chapter 5
What About You?

Do you ever feel alone? Has God set you apart for something special? For such a time as this?

Sometimes the people we trust let us down like Erin’s brother, Adrian. Sometimes it’s a parent who believes you’re more grown-up and responsible than you feel, like Erin’s mom. Sometimes the person we care about the most is taken from us like Erin’s mother, Grammy, experienced when her parents got divorced and Grammy’s father moved away after she and her brother misbehaved and he sadly drowned. 

This means just one thing. No! No! Not that you must rely on yourself and put up a wall to keep yourself safe!! How foolish! A wall means you’ve locked yourself in a prison. And getting tougher is foolish because there’s always someone stronger or tougher. The answer Erin discovered was finding the One who is “closer than a brother” and loves us more than a mother”!!!

So let me ask you again

Do YOU ever feel alone?

Are YOU ever afraid?

Do YOU ever feel like no one understands? 

Well then...Guess what? It’s the appointed time. You’ve been reading and/or listening to this story because this is your Divine Appointment. There’s Someone who's been waiting for you. Someone Who is about to use everything that’s made no sense or what’s hurt you for GOOD.

All you need to do is talk to Him. That’s what prayer is—it’s simply talking to God! You can talk privately anywhere at any time because you’re talking to Him in your head and in your heart. Begin like Erin did, by confessing everything you’ve ever done wrong right here, right now. Then once you feel clean and free, ask the Lord to come and live in your heart!!

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to the Lord, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads you—pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned

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From GOD, Your Father!!

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