I want to open my heart in front of you beautiful ladies to share what my Beloved has recently done in regards to the call to Homeschool for Him. From the beginning, I have gone through all kinds of doubts, insecurities, and questions. I have wondered if it is possible that it applies to my children and I have also questioned and compared myself (all this product of the enemy's darts). BUT My Lord is always good and kind. He doesn't take my thoughts for granted and understands how weak I am and gives me an answer.

It all started when I LOOKED AROUND ME. Like Eva, I SAW and I weighed in my heart the possible 'disadvantages' of homeschooling, for example: low interaction with other children their age, a not-so-standardized curriculum (curriculum), and communication skills, among others. Also, SEEING the children of my acquaintances go to kindergarten and COMPAREING their 'progress' with my daughter I allowed the attack to take hold.

However, there is something that I love about my Husband and that is that He always has a BUT that suits me. I am weak, BUT HE is strong and almighty. I am unstable, BUT HE never changes. And he used this situation to glorify Himself.
One day this week, after having written all my questions, doubts, insecurities, and my long etceteras; an incisive thought rumbled in my mind: Creation and numbers. Just like out of nowhere. So I typed that in the search engine and said to myself, well, I'll print something to color. But my Beloved was 10 thousand steps ahead of me.

When I opened the first resource, the footer of the image caught my attention because it referred to the children of His kingdom and then I visited the website and my surprise was greater when it was not a resource but a whole work guide to glorify the work of God for 7 days, everything was designed to give credit to our Creator. It was NOT about teaching numbers but WHAT GOD DID in creation. It sounds similar, but it is radically different. The first gives honor to human knowledge, the second exalts God.

But HE had more. The next result was for 'homeschooler' moms, it was directed to be taught, talked about and told by moms D68. I had printable posters, and all the possible ways to cover creation for toddlers (at least a week’s work). And not enough, it was in different languages (for bilingual education). I was all set!

I burst into tears of gratitude with my Love. Who else knows my thoughts and provides the solutions? My praise goes completely to HIM as: He gave me the idea, He showed me where to start (as His Heavenly Father knows my daughter's interests and likes), He directed the search and in only two resources (out of millions on the Internet) was everything HE wanted me to teach her, I did not have to design, carry out something very elaborate, but in simple things HE lightens the load.

My Beloved revealed my heart to me and showed it to me with His Word early that morning when I brought my feelings to Him. He told me: Don't LOOK too much at others, FOCUS on me because I have my eyes on you S328, I WILL GIVE you instructions and advice and I WILL TEACH you the path you should walk.

I love how HE becomes real in these things; I fall in love with seeing His intervention, identifying when He appears and transforms everything. HE manifests himself in many ways. This time, My Husband orchestrated the circumstances, the 'coincidences', my desires and even my doubts to let me know HE traces my path and helps me IN EVERYTHING.



3 thoughts on “BUT”

  1. This is beautiful Mia! What you experienced is EXACTLY the point of Homeschool 4 Him, which is really Homeschooling WITH Him. What He will lead you to, easy, light, fun and sooo much better than any education, which will prepared your child for whatever GOD calls them to do. How could we possibly turn our children and they future to ANYONE who could never love or care for them as much as we do—as much as HE DOES?!?!
    THANK YOU AGAIN for sharing!!

  2. My sweet Mía!! I can honestly just say WOW!! When we surrender and follow His lead He will direct us exactly where we need to go!!!!! Amazing!!! I am beyond happiness to see how He is directing to the desire of your heart and to train your child like He wants us to do!!!
    Praise Him always!!

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