Sitting here and thinking back on my life, I am so grateful that God doesn’t always give us what we want but rather what we need.

I remember being divorced, getting pregnant with my ex’s baby and just making my own plans. I wanted a little baby girl, because the ow had a girl from another man and I just wanted a little girl, who would be the one that would make everything right. How wrong was I to make my own plans and try to play God. How selfish was I and it was all just about me me me.

I was pregnant with a little boy and when they couldn’t get a heartbeat, I just prayed that my baby would be ok. A week later my baby boy was born and had brain damage which we found out first a year later. I was a bitter unhappy person and thought my life couldn’t get any worse.

It lets met think of a part out of the book “A Wise Woman, No matter how bad things seem, God is in Control. Our comfort is knowing that God is in control, not us and certainly not Satan. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again strengthen your brother. Luke 22:31-32.”

My baby was over a year when his occupational therapist phone to hear if she can make an appointment for him for treatment. I was bitter, had no money and replied to her saying can I say something: I had not money to go on with treatment and that I wish nothing wrong with my baby, whereby she replied she didn’t talk about money and that treatment would be for free and that she wishes her baby was still alive. I felt so bad and up to this day I still remember it. There was nothing wrong with my child, I needed to change and today I look back and think God has always been in control in my life.

Yes it has been a rocky road and not always easy but my son is the one who always always makes us laugh, he is such a pleasure even his teachers and friends says he always makes them laugh.

I so much needed this laughing child in my life, to God all the glory, He really truly gave me what I needed.




  1. Oh, Janine, this is beautiful—SO BEAUTIFUL that it didn’t post when it was scheduled!!
    Scheduled: Friday, January 20, 2023 @ 06:00:44 pm
    Post submitted by Janine on Saturday, January 7, 2023 @ 11:25:44 am

    I LOVE that you also shared how your son’s occupational therapist said, “she wishes her baby was still alive,” and how badly you felt because my Husband helped me through something similar when I lost my youngest son, Sterling, during my second trimester. I had a friend who was due at about the same time. She sang in our church, and I envied her for the remaining four months… then we heard her baby had been stillborn—my heart BROKE for her—I couldn’t imagine how hard that would be. My mother had that happen with her firstborn, but I believe GOD used it for good so she could have the big family she’s longed for. I am not sure if my dad would have been onboard (maybe he would have) but everyone knew and never got on her for “having so many children” because many pitied her.
    That’s how I always come through things, my Husband reminds me of someone who has it MUCH WORSE, so I can gain the humility I need to keep myself clothed in…

    “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 1P55

    1. >>Isabella, as the official LMF minister, both Adina, and Yvonne mentioned they will help you
      My Husband reminded me that was for LoveAtLast.org supporting Liora
      Well, that just means you need to SSG about who can rally to support you in the backend and join you as an EDITOR because there were 7 listed in the Submitted Post Queue but looking closer most are scheduled… however, too often they don’t post (we are still not sure why) so you need to be sure no post dates are past, if so, I just post them immediately.

    2. Dear Erin, today I am so grateful I have two sons and that my HH gave me what He knew was best.
      And God allowed my son to be disabled because it really changed my heart towards disabled people and yes you are so right our HH also reminds me and shows me people that have it worse and I feel so grateful for my two sons and I learned so much through his disability and the people I get to meet and talk to has really changed my life. My son was even chosen to go and compete for the South African disability athletic team and I give God all the glory for that, God is just opening paths for him. Even the school he is in, my HH teaches me so humility. Disabled kids just appreciate life.
      I remember having to go to all the doctor appointments alone and how I felt when I saw couples together but the moment the doctor couldn’t get a heartbeat being alone didn’t matter anymore, I just worried about my baby.
      I am so verry sorry about your son that you lost in your second trimester xxx

  2. Thank you for sharing Janine, and what I took from this is that now matter what happens or what situation we face, our hearts must change to seeing it the way He sees it. Because it can turn out to be our biggest blessing, just like your son is such a blessing in your life! And whenever I think I have it bad, He reminds me that somebody else is facing something worse or are in a worse situation I am, just like Erin shared above.

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