“God’s Superpower: Waiting” I Hate Divorce: A Wise Woman in Waiting

I Hate Divorce

“‘For I hate divorce,’
says the LORD God.”
Malachi 2:16

God's Superpower: Waiting
⏰ 3-minute read

This is the second part of this eye-opening chapter, I Hate Divorce

To be honest, I had no idea how to revise this chapter from A Wise Woman. so as always, I simply trusted He would lead me to what HE wanted me to write to mothers and parents of teens and directly to the teens themselves. It wasn't until my third son, Easton, told me I needed to write something about waiting and saving dating and intimacy for marriage. I was quick to tell him I had no idea what to say, but as always, GOD had plenty. He led me to skim over Chapter 11 "I Hate Divorce" to see there was nothing there to encourage teens about divorce so each section is brand new.

May I also add that the reason my son asked is that he, his wife, and their daughter have benefited from him never having dated, not once. Instead, my son and his siblings were taught, encouraged, and trained to wait. No question, this desire for my children was made possible by Homeschooling for Him, which my son and his daughter also have reaped huge, tremendous blessings from never once attending even a single day of school.

To those of you moms/parents who've never considered Homeschooling, have you ever asked Him if this is what HE wants you to do? And if you're like me and have no clue what you're doing, it puts you in the "sweet spot" of trusting Him.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5–6

So ASK. “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find . . .” Matthew 7:7

Then PLEASE join the conversation below throughout this Chapter's posts and comment.



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2 thoughts on ““God’s Superpower: Waiting” I Hate Divorce: A Wise Woman in Waiting”

  1. Oh yes, this is so true. I love Homeschooling my children. I love starting our day with His word and seeing how my children react to some of the books of the bible. Every day feels like opening a new gift to see what He has for us. Hahaha, hearing that when my children have a difference of opinion, it is on who was that man whose donkey spoke to him. Now that my daughter is fast becoming a teenager, I am SSG on starting to share the Wise Woman in Waiting with her.

    Yesterday in art class I met one of the girls who are now becoming fast friends with my daughter and she is such a sweet loving child and I asked my daughter, so why her parents chose homeschooling and my daughter said, because she was bullied in school. I felt so sad about what was happening in our schools, but at the same time, I am seeing how my Husband is using this for good and how the homeschooling community is growing here in South Africa.

    I want to ask the mother who is saying: I can never homeschool my child. It is not me homeschooling, it is my Husband first of all. Secondly, I helped my child with his schoolwork so much after school that it felt like I was homeschooling him already, so it is actually much easier now because I can see from the start when he does not understand the work. My daughter is catching on so quickly that she is basically homeschooling herself. Can you see what I mean? Each child is unique and only He can give them what they need right? And by you being their mother, He has anointed you specifically to teach them when you sit down, stand up, when you are on your way. What a special task He has given to each of us mothers. ❤️

  2. So many things you shared are so true. There was a homeschooling program that was very popular years ago and also many, many books that believe that our duty as parents is to teach our children HOW to learn. That once you teach a child to read, they should be able to learn without being taught.

    However, you and I both have a special child who needs tutoring, but for the most part, when I purchased curriculum or assigned lessons, the children taught themselves and each still loves learning and researching.

    No one commented on this post, but statistics show that children who are free to learn independently from a structured environment, the way they learn EVERYTHING like talking and walking etc. is proven https://homegrownministries.com/fearfully-and-wonderfully-made-created-in-his-image/

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