He is my Provider!!

My dear families today I want to share this audio praise with all of you!!

Hello, my sweet families today, I come here to praise my Beloved Heavenly Husband for everything He has done with my family through this last month. He gave us a promise a while ago, and I know it is a really known promise, and I will read it to you, "and my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus." P419

We decided to take this promise to the next level because I have to confess, I was feeling afraid for my finances; my husband was feeling afraid for our finances. Even though we were tithing, we were offering to the Lord, we are putting him first with our children, praying and having that special time with him.

We were still afraid and we discover that we haven't broken completely out of our poverty mentality, so we decided to have a chat between us, us as a family, and we decided to refresh our minds with this promise and believe the Lord.  My sweet families, sometimes we do not believe in His promises because the situations that are around us are attacking us and we feel afraid.

But I'm gonna tell you that we really decide to renew our minds and to start being grateful. Yes, being grateful changed everything for us and not only for my family but for a close friend of mine. We discovered that we were feeling afraid every time we need to pay for something, that we need to buy something.

And in our heads, we knew that the Lord will do the miracle. But while He was working on our life, while He was doing the miracle, we will still be wondering, doubting, and feeling afraid. So we decided, my friend and I, and my family to go to the Lord to pray and to believe in this promise that He will provide everything.

Because He can, because we are putting Him first in our finances because we are trusting in Him to sow in other people's lives through our tithing and our offerings. So my sweet families, we decided to be grateful and each time the enemy attacked us saying that we will not get what we need and that we will not be able to pay or to get to ends meet, we decided to trust in the Lord and to be grateful. Grateful for the miracle He was about to do. I know my sweet families sometimes it is not easy, but trust me, let today go to Him. Let's go to him with our whole hearts. Let's surrender and trust not only with our family but with our finances as well.

Let's take an oath to go to Him always to trust that He will supply everything we need. And when the enemy and our flesh start to attack us. Let's break free from the poverty mentality and say He will supply it because He is my provider. Let's stand up today and trust in Him and I can guarantee, as He did in my life, He will do in yours.

Everyone will be a great witness of the purest of having Him as a Heavenly Husband, as a Heavenly Father, and as our provider today.
Let's remember always, "and my God will supply all of our needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus."
Be blessed.

For more info about your storehouse please visit: https://hopeatlast.com/www/ch13-opening-heaven/



3 thoughts on “He is my Provider!!”

  1. Thank you dear Isabella for this beautiful praise and reminder to renew our minds and be grateful for everything.
    This was a confirmation of what the Lord was talking to me this morning, because I live next to a man that dumps his stuff in front of my yard and parks in front of my gate. I really need to start being grateful for everything, because this place I stay in I had prayed for years ago and it was a place I could not afford but after tithing the Lord had provided this place and He is my Heavenly Husband so He will sort the matter out but I realized this morning I first have to become quiet and calm and leave it to Him and yes so important I have to become grateful.

    1. Yes, my sweet Janine, He will open a way!!! It will be an amazing testimony!!! We need to start being grateful for everything so we can see our Beloved Hands on everything!!!

  2. Isabella yes it’s so natural to become afraid especially when it comes to our finances and we have to pay for something. We must let go of our fear and trust tgat He will supply all of our needs. Thank you for being so honest and boasting about your weaknesses so that He can be praised 🙌

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