He is the best Father!

From a very young age, my daughter has had problems with patience, it is difficult for her to remain calm when it comes to waiting for anything that excites her, she gets desperate and begins to ask insistently, seeing that she had no idea how to guide her, i asked wisdom from my Husband.
Today I found this testimony from Erin https://encouragingwomen.org/boast-about-my-impatience/, I was impressed because my Beloved responded to me through this praise, giving me the tools to guide my daughter.
So after reading it, I called my 7-year-old daughter and told her: do you want to know the meaning of love? She was interested and I repeated the following verse: “Love is patient, it is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or proud. He is not rude, he is not selfish, he is not easily angered, he does not hold grudges.” 1C1345
I explained what each word means and the context of Erin’s story and asked her if she understood and she said, “Mom, am I impatient that I am not acting with God’s love? I told her that this was exactly what happened and then she replied: “so whenever I feel impatience do I have to ask God to help me? I told him that this is the correct way to deal with that feeling.
I am grateful for all the ways my Beloved guides me to raise my daughter correctly, reminds me that I can ask Him for everything and shows me that my daughter’s education interests him as much as I do, He is the best Father!



5 thoughts on “He is the best Father!”

  1. My sweet Perla. I love this praise so much, that I also went ahead and explain this to the twins. They were amazed!!!
    I am so impress on how His word touches our children!!!!
    Thanks for sharing how your beautiful daughter is getting closer to her Heavenly Father!!! 🌱

  2. Perla I really enjoyed reading this praise and how you were able to use a blog praise to explain a biblical principal to your daughter!! I am sure that HE gave you wisdom in order to help your daughter to understand ❤️ He is the best Father 😊

  3. Thank you so much Perla! What a wonderful praise about how He led you teach your daughter! At one stage my son was also very impatient and would through tantrums if he didn’t get what he wanted, but I took it to my Heavenly Husband and my son changed so much, he now understands when he can’t get something now, and he is a lot more patient!

    1. So thankful you brought this up, Adina. My oldest son began having horrible tantrums and EVERYONE and I mean EVERY ONE told me to tell him to stop it, ignore it, leave him in his room etc. Every way was contrary to the way GOD created us as women.
      He was so young and what he needed and what my Best Friend (who is now my Husband) told me was to go and hold him tightly, LOVE him.
      That’s when I realized it was because I was leaving him to work after we’d just moved to another state, another apartment—and even though his father was watching him, he clearly needed to FEEL that I cared.
      It’s like how would WE want to be treated, with “tough love”? Heavens NO! WE want and need and want to FEEL HIS, God’s love, a Father’s love, a Mother’s love.

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