He will finish what He started 💖

I am here!
Hello Brides! I am being lead to Home Grown Ministries. It’s time for me to move on and focus more on getting our home in order and raising these children with My Beloved Husband alone. He’s blessed me with 6 wonderful children that I thank Him for every day. He’s also blessed me with having my nephew and my sons friend live here with us. Making me able to show them the love that I receive and come to know from my HH and their HF and also help guide them to Him.

My FH and I have helped some youth in the past by providing a home for them but we did it without The Lord and only relying on our own strength and knowledge which only brought temporary solutions and some failures. Now it’s me and My Beloved Husband continuing on with His plan for this home and the hearts and lives of His children. I have given it all to Him and when we give it to Him, dear brides, He gives it back to us. He can fix any mess we made in our lives and family….and even the mess in our home.

They are of all ages and stages of life, from elementary, middle school, high school to college and even our oldest is recently married and started his new career. This is a new stage of life for me as well. Though I am not a grandmother yet I look forward to it when it’s His perfect timing, I am a mother to young adult children and a new mother in law now 💗

All are young men except the youngest 2 are girls, our daughters, that I know My Love has changed me into a wise woman, for a time such as this, so I am able to train them into a wise woman also. And hopefully be an older woman guiding my daughter in law and future daughter in laws as well.

I praise my Husband for all that He has brought into my life and for all He has taken out of my life. I praise Him for finding RMI which has restored me to My First Love, making me His New Bride and helped me find My True Love, making me into a wise woman and now the mother He meant for me to be, the mother in law He wants me to be and grandmother he wants me to be in the future. The list goes on and on. He will bring what He started into completion and He’s not done yet! He has already brought so much Peace, Love and Joy into our home already and I can’t wait for what He has in store for us next 💝💖😍



6 thoughts on “He will finish what He started 💖”

  1. My sweet Ruby, welcomeeeeee!!! This is so exciting to have you here sharing this amazing praise!!!
    We have so many resources that will help you in this new journey!!
    I want to present to you our young men reosurces: https://homegrownministries.com/hp/wm4hp/
    and also the reosurces for the younger ladies of your home:
    We are working on a youth blog that will open next week!!
    I am so happy that our Beloved is with you on this part of your journey!!
    Thank you so much for opening your hearts to us!! 💖🤗

  2. Thank you so much, Isabella. This is exactly what I have been looking for. This has been on my heart for some time and now My Love is saying “now it is time—this is the way, walk in it!” I can’t wait to look at the links you shared 😍

  3. Wow, Ruby! Your home sounds like mine about a decade ago though my ratio of boys to girls was a bit more even.

    Isabella gave you a lot of fantastic resources for the younger boys and teens, but as they grow https://encouragingmen.org/ is where we are hoping to have more resources and more ministering happening.

  4. Erin, I thought I was going to be a mother of boys only according to God’s plan and I was totally fine with that. But then He gave me these 2 baby girls that threw me for a loop and I said “Lord what were you thinking? I have no idea how to do this.” Another reason I’m so blessed that I found RMI. I am able to show and share with them what I’ve learned that I was never taught. 💞

    Thank you so much! I was wondering which resources would be good for which age group for the boys and young men. This helps me a lot. I’m so excited. 😁

    1. Yes, after 3 baby boys, I was in shock…I didn’t have a clue, but it was the birth of just that first girl I went looking to find (in the church we were attending that’s just down the street from where we live now!!) to find out where the “wise older women” were meeting, and the pastor prophetically said he didn’t know, but maybe it was ME! I was just 32, yet GOD used my growing family and me with 2 more daughters to keep me seeking Him and His wisdom.

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