HGM Sharing your experience with our Resources with Sara E1

🎧 Join us for our podcast with Sara Yuhannaoğlu, our Narrow Road Publishing Minister, who shares her experiences with our resources!!

🎧Podcast E1



7 thoughts on “HGM Sharing your experience with our Resources with Sara E1”

  1. Wow Wow dear Isabella and Sara, I am happy that you have shared this experience, because I can see the blessing that it can seem to me if you are the example of Sara’s mother, I, like Isabella, do not have the blessing of being created. seeing these tasks as a form of entertainment and joy (for me it was the opposite, a charge, a responsibility or even a punishment) However, thanks to this podcast I can see the wonderful blessing of teaching myself in another way

    1. Oh yes my dear!!!! Sara shares a lot of wisdom!! And she loves cleaning!!! Her energy just get to you!!! 🤩🤗🤗
      Thank you so much!!

  2. I’m very interested to hear what Sara shares because I know she loves cleaning because she shared about her love for cleaning in the fellowships :)) It’s so nice to hear how Sara mom loves having the friends over 🙂 I still cant believe that you wanted to be a doctor sara and look at what you are doing now! I was shocked about what God used to remove you from becoming a doctor.. Ohhh now I see where the love of cleaning comes from!! Sara you can come clean my house any day!!! hahahaha

    1. jajaja I told her the same thing!! She actually gave a me a good trick for cleaning my windows!! they look amazing!!!

      1. Hahaha, Isabella, I am waiting for Sara to come and visit me in South Africa so she can clean my windows. I want a in-person tutorial from her.

        1. So do I!!! hahahaqshe has so many cleaning tips!! She will need to have her own Podcast/video series!

  3. Loved listening to your experiences Sara! When you are done with Yvonne’s windows and helping Atarah, you can come over to my place to wash my windows and fridge!

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