It was a shock to me

As I was reading Chapter 2 of Homeschooling for Him:

Chapter 2 “Glory Bound” Part 2

For the first time as it was set out for me by Erin, I realized, that YES, my children were in school for 40 hours a week. I have never thought about it that way. If I count up the rest of the hours, not taking into consideration the time they slept, I only had about 12 hours with them. That means I was not their biggest influence, the school teachers were. They spent more time with my children than I did.

Just realizing this, I am able to again go to my dearest Husband and say THANK YOU for giving me this opportunity to Home School my children.

Just to give Him some more praise, last week, I went to a coffee shop with my daughter, it is our Tuesday morning that we spend together alone while her brother is doing his programming lessons. This specific shop has a little boutique attached to it and as we were looking through the dresses the lady working there asked us why she is not in school I told her I am homeschooling and she asked me for some information. She said she has a 9-year-old daughter and every morning when she drops her off at school, her throat closes up because she is so afraid of what she will be exposed to today. Wow, I was able to encourage her a little and as we left, my daughter said, wow mom, so many women are asking you about homeschooling, the schools must really be bad.

Thank you, my dear Husband, He is not just sending these ladies my way to encourage them, He is also showing my daughter how blessed she is to be at home. And moreover, I am encouraged because I see the desire of so many mothers, their hearts being changed and drawn back home.



3 thoughts on “It was a shock to me”

  1. This is so wonderful to hear! What a blessing that you get to share this with other women around you! I am so excited to get to teach my oldest daughter at home for her first year of school. I used to be a teacher in a public school before becoming a worker at home. I’ve seen first hand what goes on on a daily basis in a classroom. It just breaks my heart. But may we continue to encourage women to want to teach and train their children at home!

  2. Thank you for sharing dear Yvonne, I will never forget when we would close my door and agree and pray together and how this was also something we prayed for and I just love thinking back how the Lord showed up when we just left it in His hands and how He gave you the opportunity to home school your children. I am so grateful that the Lord uses you to encourage other mums.

  3. It is amazing!! I am praising the Lord that I get to Homeschool the twins for half a day!!! I get to be their main teacher!! It is not always easy but it is a blessing that they look to me for everything!! Praise the Lord that He gave us this knowledge to teach our children all bout Him!!

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