My Children are Happy Before they Go to Sleep 😴

Hello dear brides, mothers, aunties and grandmothers,

Every day is a new day. Our Lord has told us that his favors are new every morning and that we should not think about yesterday or tomorrow. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow comes with its own worries. Every day we can trust that He is with us and wants to help us with everything that is needed. If only we ask. How important is this to teach our children. This was also one of the reasons I started going over the day with my boys before going to bed. They both then get the opportunity to share what they know their Best Friend wouldn’t like and what things they would. This may be something they have done or said themselves or seen with another child of their age. I am so happy with this because it gives my boys the opportunity to confess their sin, thank their Best Friend for the good things He has helped them with and pray for themselves and others. The prayer of a righteous man can do much, for it is given power. I myself grew up with the biblical stories and the teachings you can get out of it, but it’s great how our Lord Himself is becoming a spiritual Leader and teaches the next generation His principles.

I get very inspired by the many podcasts and testimonials of the other brides. And all because He made sure that I got to know these HomeGrownMinistries.

When the boys go to sleep, they do so with a calm and happy heart because they know that their sins of that day are forgiven and that they are no longer remembered. Because tomorrow is another day with new favors. with their Best Friend they can always rely on.



3 thoughts on “My Children are Happy Before they Go to Sleep 😴”

  1. My sweet Kristine!! What a lovely praise!! Love to see how you are teachig them to trust in the Lord!! It is so amazing to be part of this journey.
    Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Oh wow, another beautiful praise. I am still overwhelmed with reading Isabella’s praise and then yours follows it. Thank you Kristine. It is so wonderful to hear how your boys can have that peace. I remembered as a girl a lot of the time I would wonder if I would go to hell if I would die in my sleep. I know, deep thoughts for a little girl to be wondering, but I had learned from a young age about the wrath of God, never the love of the Father. It is so nice to see you teach your children about His grace and mercies that are new to us every morning.

  3. How wonderfully encouraging to hear how your boys have such a precious bedtime routine, Kristine!
    My Husband had me find and copy the chapter for boys talking about Him being my Best Friend. Having Him when I was just seven and to imagine more children, your children and other children having that Person who can help guide and protect and even forgive them of their trespasses, well it’s just the best news ever!

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