Today I have such a huge testimony, my heart is just overflowing with gratitude all because of my Darling, my son’s Heavenly Father.

Because of my son’s special needs I have to sit and learn with him, so a month ago he was writing exams but the teacher said that if he again fails the specific learning subject, he is going have to change the subject. The subject was divided into to questions papers and two different times to help the children because of their special needs. I tried to help him make it shorter and we learning the week before and even the weekend, but he failed the first question paper and we already started talking about which other subject he was going to take (and there isn’t a big choice). So with the second paper we agreed in prayer and asked the Lord to please help him and he learned on his own, because I already felt he is anyway going to change the subject.

And guess what!!! The second paper, His Heavenly Father helped him and he passed. Our wonderful Lord really has the last say. All the glory and praise to my Darling, the very very Best Father to my children.




  1. Thank you for sharing Janine! Our help is nothing compared to their Heavenly Father’s help! I am so happy for your son and the way his Heavenly Father stepped in to help him pass!

    1. Thank you dear Adina, He is just an awesome Father for my children, I just received the nwes today that he passed all his subjects, all the glory and praise to the Lord.

  2. Oh, Janine, I LOVE what you shared. It reminded me of all those tests my son couldn’t pass and how distraught I was until I realized He needed His Father each time. Now as a father with two sons, I marvel at all he does WITHOUT any help from me but his complete dependence and trust in His Father as a man of faith.

    1. Thank you for sharing dear Erin, just today after he had passed all his subjects, a first time in many years, I said that from now on he will do it with His Heavenly Father, I am not going to try and carry him any more, His Heavenly Father does a much much better job and any way the more I tried to do it, the more tired I got and there my Darling shows me again He’s got us.

  3. This is beautiful my sweet Janine!! This attests to the power we give to our Heavenly Husband by letting our children go into His hands! It is not easy but He is their Father and He does know what is best!
    I am so happy for your son who knows that His Heavenly Father is always there!

    1. Yes dear Isabella, my child’s learning let me realize, I really need to trust him into his Heavenly Father’s and let go.

  4. Thank you for sharing Janine, my son unfortunately failed his First Language and l got a letter from the school to let me know that if does not get a pass it means he will fail the grade… And l need to attend a parents meeting. Thank you for sharing this praise because im at peace because l know that even tho it really bad l dont have to worry because my sons HF is working in His life 🙌 He uses struggles to build our faith and He is using this to draw my son close 🙏

    1. Dear Atarah, I know how it feels, last year my son also failed a language and I know and believe our wonderful Lord is also going to take care of your son and already has everything planned out.

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