“The Superpower: Saving” I Hate Divorce: A Wise Woman in Waiting

The Superpower: Saving
⏰ 3-minute read

I Hate Divorce

“‘For I hate divorce,’
says the LORD God.”
Malachi 2:16



7 thoughts on ““The Superpower: Saving” I Hate Divorce: A Wise Woman in Waiting”

  1. This was not exactly what I expected when I saw this heading. What a revelation. Of course, that was exactly me as a young girl and what I do not want for my own daughter. These words: “left unsatisfied, discontent, and continuously wanting more” was exactly me my whole life. Nothing and no one could satisfy me. No one had what I believe I wanted or needed. When I got love, I wanted more. When I got earthly things, I wanted more. Until I met Him, finally I had I was I was longing for all my life.

  2. I agree with Yvonne, I also do not want my own daughter to feel “left unsatisfied, discontent, and continuously wanting more”. I myself felt of all this for such a long time, years and years. In all aspects of my life, job, money, relationships, everything… always wanting more. And you moment you got what you think you wanted or needed, you realized you are still not satisfied and then started to look for the next thing. I had to loose my life to get to a point where I only had my HH and I learned that He is all we need to fill all the voids in your life.

  3. Thank you for sharing ladies, this is exactly how my life like looks like and it’s such a feeling that I wouldn’t wish for my twin girls or any little girl out other. Am at my point in life were life feels so hard, and looking like others are happy and these lessons are telling me that I can have everything but still would feel empty and I can even have my EH back but still feel empty, this has made me realize that only His love can feel this empty vessel.

  4. WOW! I was also the one spending, actualy, I would say giving, because I wanted so much to be appreciated, I was always so demanding for love, attention and award 😔 And I thought that if I give/spend I would acomplish my goal: to be loved in ultimate sense – poor me!!
    I love to have Him, who loves me so much and never demands a thing, as the only thing He need is my heart! I urge to share this with all the young ladies I meet, because this is the real freedom and the real love they are all looking for! 🌈💕

  5. The title definitely made me think it was a lesson about finances 🤣 Just like you, I gave more than I should at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons, with the need to obtain the love that I thought would be in a man, and sincere love is true I only got it when I met my precious Heavenly Husband when that need was completely satisfied. In Him I feel safe to give my love because at His side I am not hurt; on the contrary, He heals me from all the hurts. In my case, television, videos, or social networks were a bad influence on my youth, giving me bad ideas and deceiving me with false ideas about love, ideas that led me to build my home on quicksand.

  6. What a wonderful chapter, and like some others here, this was exactly how I acted before my journey began. Nothing I managed/acquired was enough, because I always wanted more. But I also found Him and it was more than enough to see that He completes me, and if I have Him, I already have everything, because HE is my EVERYTHING.🌷💕

  7. From a very young age, I tried to draw attention to myself by being present. I enjoyed being in touch with the people around me. Especially to be able to help if someone needed it. This started to change when I was in high school. Not everyone liked my busy behavior and I started to feel increasingly sad about all the negative comments I received from those around me. Little did I know that I had taught myself the job of being a people pleaser. All this because of the uncertainty that was increasing in me. Over the years, asking for verbal positive compliments became my daily activity. The more compliments the better I felt. Unfortunately, that was short-lived, so I used even more energy the next day to get through my day with the necessary compliments. I went home with the negative comment and sometimes cried myself to sleep for hours. Or I tried to make myself feel good by spending money on materialistic things that I didn’t need at all. At one point I had 150 pairs of shoe boxes in my shed, most of which were new. Never worn. Besides giving and giving of my energy not to disappoint anyone, I found it difficult to say no. Completely exhausted at the end of the day, my family suffered. Now that I look back, my behavior stems from the lack of parental love. My mother, who divorced my father when I was twelve, was busy raising me and my brothers and sister and keeping herself afloat. My father was there when I needed something materialistic. No wise parental upbringing, but having to discover for myself what the consequences were of the mistakes I made. That at the end of my marriage I had such a feeling of inferiority and insecurity that led to physical aggression. I no longer knew how or what to say to keep myself going. And ultimately a divorce.
    If I had had this information growing up I’m sure it would have saved me so much suffering. This is such a valuable lesson for the many young girls and women out there.
    Because now I know that He alone is enough to fill the attention I need. When I need to talk. He always listens. When I don’t feel good, He helps me, all without condition. Is not that great🥳.

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