A Blessing In Disguise

I can still remember the time the divorce went through, I lost absolutely everything financially, I was without any income. I only received the money my former husband offered to pay each month in the divorce settlement. I applied for jobs for months without any success. I was only invited to one interview; the guy gave me one look and told me that the way I dress tells him I cannot do the job. I studied Electronic Engineering and that is what I did for 17yrs, but the day of the interview I dressed neatly in a suit and high heels with make-up and everything, and that gave him the impression that I cannot do the job, although I worked for years in safety boots, jeans and T-shirts.

That broke my spirit, and I was close to giving up, BUT it was a blessing in disguise. I never enjoyed working in that environment, but I thought to myself that there is nothing else I could do, that was what I studied for and had experience in. I was desperate, but I knew the Lord, my Heavenly Husband was the only One I can call on for help and I knew I had to be obedient, and I started to tithe to my storehouse from the grocery money my former husband paid into my account. He opened other ways for me to earn extra money, things my mother and grandmother taught me like sewing, and helping at my aunt's kindergarten. I tithed from every bit of profit I made. And I got more and more orders.

But my Heavenly Husband knew my heart, He knew deep down I did not want to go and work in Engineering again, after my children were born, I prayed to be able to get out of that environment. And He opened doors for me to be a W@H. After my journey started, He placed the desire in my heart to be a W@H, and He made a way.

Tithing and being obedient by placing my Heavenly Husband first in everything, changed my whole life. Financially the children and I are provided for, and we are protected from the devourer. I am a W@H and after losing custody of my children, I now have them back and He is fulfilling another one of my heart's desires; homeschooling starting next year.

Although that first step in obedience might be scary, because all you see is lack and no way to tithe, it will change your life. You will have enough, any one of us who has been tithing faithfully each month can tell you that you always have enough, where you previously struggled to make your budget work, you can now let it go and give your finances to your Heavenly Husband, He will open the windows of Heaven for you. You will be protected from the devourer.




2 thoughts on “A Blessing In Disguise”

  1. Adina this just an amazing testimony of the uncountable blessings and opportunities our Beloved opens for us when we just trust Him!! Your journey is just amazing!! It is scary to take that leap of faith and start tithing but hw we start living so abundantly later is worth it!! Thank you so much for sharing my dear!

  2. Thank you, Isabella, looking back I know He did not open a door for me to go back to work for a reason.

    Isaiah 22:22 – “He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.”

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