Going through the same trial with Him this time

Today I want to thank my Beloved because He is helping me to do all the housework alone while still enjoying my holidays. A little over a year ago, in the same house in the countryside, I found out that my eh was dating ow and my heart shrank and shriveled up like a raisin. In addition to anger and sadness, I was overcome with a tremendous sense of poverty, scarcity and struggle. My sister, her family and my father were here, there were so many of us, and it all overwhelmed me. I was totally empty, I was not able to do anything for anyone without expecting anything in return and doing all the housework cost me a lot of effort.

A year later, He has given me the opportunity to welcome my family back to in the same country house. My Beloved is still restoring me. So this time the situation is totally different. The joy of having my three nephews here and my earthly father, despite the work involved (meals, cleaning, tidying, etc.) is great because He has enlarged my heart and makes every task I have to carry out easy and sweet.

Today I had to change the sheets and they were drying outside and it started to rain and they all got wet. But somehow I have already managed to iron a good part of them, make the fully dry, and they are all ready to be put away in the linen cabinet.

Little by little, slowly but surely, every day I do something with Him and the house is tidy, clean and everything is coming out so nicely.

What a difference, Beloved, from living and walking with you to doing it alone and empty as I did all my life until I met You.

Thank You for this opportunity to go through this trial again with Your help, and for showing me that when you enlarge my heart with Your Love, nothing is impossible.

I love You!



4 thoughts on “Going through the same trial with Him this time”

  1. Mira, how He just changes us. There are things in my life that I could also see like that. It is as if I have a before and after. How I would do something before I met Him and how He now has changed me after I met Him. I just love to sit with Him sometimes so He can just show me how He has changed me. AND I know it was Him, because I had enough time to change myself and I only kept getting worse, but when I met Him, the changes started to happen immediately for good. I can never go back to who I was without Him. “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”

  2. His Love changes everything! What a blessing to have that in your life and to experience the change within yourself which is now being able to bless those around you! Thank you for sharing Mira!

  3. My dear Mira your praise touches my heart so much!! I remember when we received your MEQ a year ago and look how our Beloved has changed your life!! What a blessing to show your family how the Lord is restoring your life!! I am so blessed by your testimonies on the fellowships and your delicious recipes!!

  4. Thank you Mira, while reading your praise I thought of the house we lived in when we got divorced. In that house I was completely broken and cried many tears, BUT my HH turned it all around. In that same house I got to know Him as my Heavenly Husband, in that house He healed me and and showed Himself as real to me. I cried when I had to move earlier this year, because that house holds some of the best memories of my life, my memories of my HH and the time we were able to spend alone there. He wiped away all the bad memories.

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