Last year November I went for radio active treatment for my thyroid and in January this year I got covid, so in February when my hair started falling out I expected it, but it fell out so very very bad, that I got worried. I would cry when washed my hair. I went to the internet for solutions and found a group where the women said that their hair started falling out more than 70 %. It was then that I realized that I had gone to the wrong source for a solution and I went to my Heavenly Husband and asked Him to please help me. Praise the Lord, my hair stopped falling out. This morning when I washed my hair the bath tub wasn’t full of hair. Again my Heavenly Husband did it and I want to give Him all the glory and all the praise. Every hair on our heads matter to the Lord, so how much more, our finances, our kids, our families…

But not a hair of your head will perish. L21:18




  1. My sweet Janine, this is a touching praise!!! I can only imagine the pain you felt seeing your hair falling off!! Because as women we love our hair!!! But what you share is the complete truth!! Our Beloved Husband deeply cares about us and our hair!!! As simple as that, we must go to Him for everything!!!
    Reading what you just shared is a huge confirmation of looking for Him always!!
    As Atarah shares on her H@L Blog: https://encouragingwomen.org/devotional/my-beloved/april/#April%2017:~:text=are%20everything!%20Hallelujah!!-,April%2017,-%E2%80%9CHave%20I%20not
    He is with us always!!!
    That you for sharing my sweet Janine!!

    1. Dear Isabella, yes He is always with us and that is so wonderful and even with my hair that WAS falling out my loving Heavenly Husband was teaching me to go to Him with everything, even my hair.

  2. Oh my, you’re so right, Isabella, as women, hair really matters—so Janine, thank you for your transparency in your hair falling out and the perfect SOURCE where we need to run to—not the internet but to HIM.
    Back when I experienced the same thing (I’d given blood to my brother who was dying just after giving birth to my 3rd son https://loveatlast.org/fc/ss/wk2/, it was before internet but I remember how scary and sickening it was. I couldn’t brush my hair without leaving a huge bald spot.
    Asking my Lord, my first love, led to my mother calling a locally famous hair dresser who had me and my mom come in when they were closed to CAREFULLY comb out my waist-length hair, braid it, and then weave it into a braid that he cut off, causing my shoulder length hair to flow beautifully so it was shorter in the back, longer in the front so in the mirror it appeared longer. ONLY GOD, only my Husband could do that for me. Like you, my hair stopped falling out immediately and I realize my hair was not my only good feature (as I’d believed).
    This means not only can He be our Husband, Provider, Protector, etc. He can also be our hair stylist!

  3. Thanks for the reminder to bring all issues to Him, no matter how big or small we think they are. We are told in the Scripture to rely on God and not worry, but sometimes we need to remember it’s not just about big things in life like anxieties, depression, big life decisions, and relationships. It can be about our hair, finding my sons glasses (I waited over a week before I asked Him for help, which afterwards we found 2 minutes later) not wanting to wash the dishes, etc….

    “Be [anxious] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

    “I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears”

  4. Dear Erin, what a beautiful testimony about your brother, that God healed his soul and body. And what a heartwarming act to give your brother your blood, thinking of his health and that our wonderful Healer stopped your hair from falling out, something only He can do. I just love what He does, I went and cut my hair and after cutting it, on my way home I said I would have loved it a bit shorter and then my HH said no, you would have then not liked it, knowing me the best I know He was right.
    And I always complained about all the new baby hair, because they would go in all directions, but I don’t any more, I am now grateful for all my new hair.

  5. Dear Janine, thank you for coming to share your praise I can only imagine how scary it must have been having your hair fall out… another reminder of how important it is to take absolutely everything to Him! Most especially our fears!

    1. Dear Atarah, yes it was very scary but so comforting when He took over and yes it is so important to take everything to Him.

  6. Janine I agree, our hair matters so much to us, even a bad haircut or color can affect us. Its amazing how we can quickly run to the internet when something is wrong, looking for solutions, while we have a Heavenly Husband who knows what the real solutions is. We must just run to Him first and give it to Him.

    1. Dear Adina, yes we run to quick to the internet that can’t help us, He is the only one that can help us with really everything.

  7. Thank you Janine for sharing this praise with us, it is so true that we soon start looking for solutions ourselves to prevent situations from getting worse. While we have the best person in our life who knows why this is happening to us and what its purpose is. Of course losing your hair as a woman is a terrible thing. After all, your hair is a woman’s headpiece
    but that if a woman wears long hair, it is her honor? After all, the hair is given to her as a veil.1K1115. Your praise encourages me to start asking Him about lose weight, which has increased considerably over the past few years by eating more than necessary. In the meantime He has already freed me from my sugar addiction, but I have been encouraged to ask Him for other things as well. After all, He is our maker and knows what is best for us.

    1. So funny you said that Kristine because right now, my Husband is helping me not worry about any recent weight gain (living on Vacation for as long as my Husband and I have, eating prepared meals rather than cooking myself will do that!). I am not 100% sure, but being thin was of huge importance back when I was raising my children, which often leads to eating disorders and the pressure to look a certain way. What I love is that it was only recently, when I asked Him about something, that He reminded me about this promise:
      “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” M631
      So right now, I just keep telling my Husband that I want to look like what pleases HIM, not anyone else, not even ME.
      **A bit of history, I never was concerned with weight until I realized with a big family that I desired so much, that almost ALL the mothers were heavy. I just asked the Lord to use me and my weight, returning to my thin size after having my babies so no one would STOP having children due to this lie. And of course, He did!

  8. We are all on the same page!!! Yupiiiii!! I want to lose some weight as well and He keep telling me to wait!!! I just want to hear His voice, not what the world teaches, but how He sees me!!

  9. I had to read this comments about the weight because just this morning I told my Heavenly Husband how unhappy I am about my weight, but now I know I must just trust my HH regarding my weight because the more I worry about my weight the more it has become a issue.

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