I was Concerned

Hello to all the moms, moms to be, wives, grannies, aunties 💗

As a mom we have a really strong connection to our kids and when they act out of character or want to do something they don’t usually do we can became fearful especially when they are teenagers and have soooo many influences in their lives.

My 16 year old daughter woke up frI’m a nap and said she wants to take a walk… she never does this… then she asked to be dripped off at school to watch her friends play sport… she never dies this either… l became worried and concerned.. a but fearful because this is so out of character for her.

So I woke up out of my sleep and just spoke to my Beloved Husband about it.. asking Him what’s going on? Why does my daughter now suddenly want to be out of our home? I was thinking about asking her some questions, asking her who is she speaking to on her phone… when my darling reminded me that l really need to handle this the way l handled my broken marriage, with the same principles… Letting Go… not asking the type of questions and in a way that would immediately make her feel defensive…

After l spoke to my darling l just knew that no matter what could be happening it would be ok that He would take care of my daughter and if anything needs to come tonight it would.

Well ladies, l walk into the kitchen and my daughter says “Mom it’s ok, l don’t need you to drop me off at school you look a bit tired and l decided to rather stay at home and do my homework because l have a lot of catching up to do” Ha? Just like that He sorts it our and takes all my nagging fears away… isn’t He AMAZING??!!

So mommies I know we fear for our kids there’s so much in this world that can influence them. Just remember to take those fears to your HH. And practice the principles because that is what helped me to know how to handle the situation.

Remember kids are different ages so it requires us to handle the situation in a certain way… and that is why its so important to discuss the situation with Him.

I just want to thank Him for hearing my concerns and working it all out 💗 😍 🙌🏾



11 thoughts on “I was Concerned”

  1. My dear I really love this praise, because I went through the same situation!!! But the Lord´s principles are really hidden in their hearts and He made them blossom in the right time!!! What a brave thing you did, just letting go requires and extra dying to self, because when is regarding to our kids, letting go is harder!!! But we do have the best Husband ever!!! And they do have the best Father!!!
    “Start children off on the way they should go,
    and even when they are old they will not turn from it” P226

  2. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, just a reminder to me also that I must trust my HH with everything regarding my 16 year old, thank you.
    I love how the Lord speaks to us, even through other bride’s posts, thank you my Heavenly Husband.

    1. That is so true Janine! I’m so glad that Isabella is encouraging us each day with these wonderful resources and that we have this blog to post our praises regarding our kids 🙂

  3. So true, so true. Children are not the authority over us even though children in this world are often in control and rule their parents. Also, and most importantly, true is that how her husband knows everything what’s going on and going to him he will sort it out or give us the peace to wait and trust Him or lead us to do something.

    Adina, I also love that you addressed all of us, including me who is a Grannie “Mimi” with all the concerns I have with my three teenage grandsons. Most of the time it’s “Popps” he’ll sort it out without any help from me, and I can just remain devoted to him and focus on our love. 💗

    💗💗 So amazing what a testimony!!💗💗

    1. Thank you dear Erin its so true what you said only our Husband truly knows what is happening in our children’s hearts and lives and He will lead us if we need to do something which is what I was unsure of.

  4. He is our children’s best protection and He will guide us through these situations, we just have to leave it in His hands and trust in Him to guide them and to protect them.

    1. So true Adina! Im so happy that I get to live everyday of my life as His Bride it makes being a mom so much easier!!

  5. Atarah, It’s amazing how things work out when we just leave it to Him.
    My 8 year old lost his glasses a week or so ago and we did not go to Him or ask for help. Then Saturday, I told my son, let’s pray since we have not done that first. Guess what we found 2 minutes later!! 🤣🥰♥️

    1. Hahaha Hope what a great way for your son to learn to take everything to His Heavenly Father and to ask Him!! I also have an 8yr old son 🙂

  6. O wow Atarah for sharing this praise with us. Letting go of our children is sometimes not easy toe do in a situation. As a mother you feel the need to protect them by knowing everything. You are absolutely right that every child is different and to know how to handle it going to our HM is so important. While some children will say nothing if you ask them too much. And asking a child questions can also affect the peace in the home. That’s why it’s so nice to go to our Beloved with all your worries and thoughts, so He can talk to our children. And our peace can be restored in our hearts. So sweet to read that your daughter had the empathy to see that you were tired

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