HGM Sharing your personal experience with His Princess Resources: Her Wedding Clothes 💛

Join us for our podcast with Bethia Perterson, Isabella´s daughter, who shares her experience with our resources!!! 🌱

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6 thoughts on “HGM Sharing your personal experience with His Princess Resources: Her Wedding Clothes 💛”

  1. Thank you my sweet Bethia for opening your heart to us!!!
    This allegory just speaks to my heart and I am more than blessed that it also spoke to yours!!!
    Purity is so important, specially in these times!! That is a gift that should be just for our husbands!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!
    This will encourage a lot of young ladies!! 🌷🌱

  2. BETHIA!! That was amazing. THANK YOU. At first, I was concerned because you were telling the story that guys are meant to read, but my Husband, your Father, reminded me that the first “Restore your Marriage” book for women was sent to men’s prisons all over the United States and men were being changed (maybe looking at it from someone else’s viewpoint).
    Then when you shared about purity and waiting and hearing you explain it, I could see that the wisdom has been sown in your heart and its truth will naturally be shared around the world. Today’s world is getting darker and more polluted, so when a tiny light flickers, it lights up the darkest corners and it’s whiteness is as bright and beautiful as the dress you will wear on your wedding day to the Godly man who deserves you.

  3. Amen, that’s right, sometimes we think that this person is the right one, but it’s not like that, only my HF knows who is the right one and we have to wait patiently, each one of the stories that I read has taught me many things and I hope that many young people can learn like this how I did it

  4. My dear Bethia, thank you for sharing and opening your heart. I always tell my daughter and my son that their HF have somebody somewhere for them, somebody He created especially for them, and they must wait and pray for them now. Wait for the special someone He has for you, it will be worth it. And for now until you meet them, be His betrothed and nurture your relationship with your First Love and always keep Him as your First and True Love!

    1. This is my dear Adina, only my HF knows when the time is indicated and who is the right person to be my life partner ❤️

  5. What really helps is having just ONE like-minded girlfriend who is also committed—with this HGM blog, you can meet dozens around the world.
    My friend that I mentioned in one of the ww4hp met in the 8th grade. We were 13 years old. When we realized we were both determined to stay away from drugs, we also wanted to wait until we were married before being intimate. Even though we only were in the same school that year and I moved away, we kept in touch (not easy way back then), and not only did we marry just a month apart, but we both were blessed with our blue-eyed baby boys. She had to wait a very long time; my son was a teen before she was blessed. Then later, we did have girls the same age, both our youngest, AND they met when we were visiting California and became best of friends!!

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