My son conversations with His Best Friend 👑 🗡

Hello brides, my Love is working works in miraculous ways in my life and in the lives of my children. it is wonderful to see the fruits that come after the principles of these two books. HomeGrownMinistries and Workers at Home in your household. For a few weeks now I have been with the youngest two children to spend the day before bed and teach them how to talk to their Best Friend. They know the story of Erin who met her Best Friend at a young age and how this Friend has always been with her in the difficult moments of her life. The boys go to school every day and experience all kinds of things. They can talk so much with their Best Friend that sometimes they don’t know where to start. But they can also tell their fears, doubts and sadness. They don’t have to share this with us, but because they are still so young they will come and tell me. Sometimes I pray with them, but sometimes they want to talk alone with their Best Friend and then come back happy. To re tell them that they did it and that they already feel a lot better. How easy it is for a child. I could really learn something from that. So one of the mornings when they came to me one of my lovely boys came to sit on my bed sadly in the early morning. It wasn’t time to get up yet, but he came to tell me that he hadn’t had such a nice dream. The dream was about his earthly father and that bad things had happened at his house. My son was worried about his father. Which is very understandable. I listened to my son and asked what he would like to do. Calling his dad to see if everything was okay or talking to his Best Friend. So that he could pray the scripture we were learning together that week about his father. Psalm 121:3-5. “He’ll make sure nothing happens to you.
Your Protector never sleeps.
4The Protector of Israel does not rest nor sleep.
He’s always paying attention.
5 Like your shadow, the Lord is always very near to you.
He will always protect you.”
I have been able to tell my son that the promises we learn are not only for us but also for his father. Nor would his Best Friend budge like a shadow from his earthly father if he asked. After some time, my son no longer felt it necessary to call his father. And I left it at that in gratitude to my Lord that He shows me that He is their spiritual leader and will even teach His Words to my sons with beautiful testimonies.
The resources found on this website have helped me so much in helping my children, ages 21 and 8, get to know Him. And I am so grateful to Him for that.



8 thoughts on “My son conversations with His Best Friend 👑 🗡”

  1. My dear kristine, how our Heavenly Husband is changing lives!!!! This is such amazing!!! I am more than excite dto see that they love and cherish their Best Friend!!
    Without a doubt this book:
    can help our children to feel closer to Him!!!
    Love the wisdom that you receive by trusting only in Him!! Such a Wise Mom!!
    Thank you for sharing this amazing proof of His love and care for our children!!!
    That Psalm is the twins favorite too!! 🤩🌱🥳💖

  2. Thank you soooo much for sharing Kristine!! I need to share this with my son and speak to Him more about talking to his best friend that is closer than a brother.❤ Thank you, you have encouraged me so much with this praise and thanks for sharing link Isabella I don’t need to go look for it.

  3. How beautiful to hear this, Kristine. I’m soooo thankful that after all these years of yearning and wanting to minister to children with the principles of a WW and WM, but in a way they could understand and put to use—it’s surreal to see it happening!!!
    I remember so well my youngest boy (at the time) who suffered horribly by not seeing or being able to talk to his dad (it was long distance besides we were forbidden to call, but I never told them that). Hearing him cry every night broke me down, I was so new to my RJ and as you know, there was no one I ever heard of who’d attempted something “so stupid” (why want a man who cheated was the thoughts of women in the 1990s).
    Yet, my Beloved who loved our children more than I ever could gave me a promise that changed my son’s life FOREVER “I will never leave you or forsake you” and the tears immediately dried up, replaced with a smile and to this very day He has the closest BEST FRIEND and confidant who He talks everything over with. That will be YOUR sons too, Kristine!!

  4. We have a surprise for you tomorrow my dear Atarah and Kristine!! We are working on the young men books. I share some insights tomorrow do not miss them!!

  5. YES, you’re doing so much WONDERFUL work getting everything up to where it needed to be AND BEYOND—time I never had along with your energy and new ideas as a young mother!!

    1. Please my dear Jewel share a praise, because I know you boy is getting to know his BBF as well!!! Yupiiiiiiiiii 😍

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