Homeschooling in the New Year

During the last quarter of this school year, my son's teacher arranged a meeting with me. I wasn't sure why because the school year was almost over, but I had a feeling it would be about my son disrupting the class.

I was not wrong, that is what she wanted to talk to me about, but also our decision to Homeschool.

She told me that she, as a teacher, homeschooled her daughter for a year and then shared with me a lot of negative things, but I knew she was trying to convince me not to Homeschool the children, because the principal previously tried to convince my fh not to homeschool when he gave notice at the school.

I had my Heavenly Husband with me during the meeting, and I just remained quiet, only listening to what He whispered in my ear. Then she asked me if I ever homeschooled before and if I have a plan or know how I am going to do it. I told her that I have absolutely no earthly idea how I am going to do it, but I am going to trust in the Lord to guide me. That was the end of the discussion, I think she expected me to give her a well-thought-out plan that she can pull apart but instead I gave her my truth, and that is that I cannot do it on my own, but I know who to rely on (my Heavenly Husband and my children's Heavenly Father).

My family is also against the decision to homeschool. Almost everybody in my family is a teacher, and they are totally against homeschooling in general. So, it's been tough listening to everybody's opinions. But my Heavenly Husband kept me firm in the decision and my fh is also not moved by what he's been told (and he didn't want to hear anything about homeschooling during the custody case 😊🙂).

And PTL, because with the new laws that's been passed and will be implemented in the public schools next year, I am more convinced than ever that my children's Heavenly Father is setting them apart for good and He knows what is best for them.

My fh told me to look for a provider so I asked my HH to lead me. He led me to find a Christian based, Afrikaans, Homeschooling provider. When I send my fh the information like he asked, he didn't even think twice and immediately said this is where he wants his children. So, I enrolled the children and just need to pay the first quarter when they re-open in January. The provider has different options; 100% homeschooling, online school or a combination. For now, He led me to choose the homeschool option with additional online classes as needed.

My daughter didn't want to know anything about Homeschooling, but her Heavenly Father worked it out that all her friends are leaving the private school they attended, and now she is willing and excited to start homeschooling😊.



4 thoughts on “Homeschooling in the New Year”

  1. I am so glad to hear you trusting in the Lord to guide you through this journey and keeping your thoughts away from any other people that could affect you negatively. I am excited to see all that your Husband, you and your children will accomplish together. It’s also great that your daughter is now excited and on board. 😊

    1. Yes I was bit worried about my daughter, but just trusted my Husband with it and He just amazingly worked it out that she is now fully on board!

  2. Oh querida, mira que yo también he pensado sobre educar en el hogar, aunque no se cómo. A uno de mis niños le gusta ir a la escuela publica, al otro NO, y quiere que yo sea su Maestra , de hecho , mientras duró la crisis matrimonial hice la carrera de pedagogía, y esposo terrenal es Maestro, y el también comparte la idea de educar en el hogar. En verdad es algo que aún estamos tomando le las puntas a la sabana, pero, pues aquí sigo buscando dirección.

    Oh dear, look I’ve thought about homeschooling too, although I don’t know how. One of my children likes to go to public school, the other does NOT, and he wants me to be his teacher. In fact, while the marriage crisis lasted, I studied pedagogy, and my earthly husband is a teacher, and he also shares the idea of ​​homeschooling. In truth, it is something that we are still getting to grips with, but, well, here I am still looking for direction.

    1. My dear Alesya, when my journey started I didn’t even think or consider homeschooling. But as my journey progressed my Husband placed the desire in my heart to homeschool, but at that stage my former husband didn’t want to hear anything about it. But I gave it to my Husband and He changed my former husband’s heart.

      The first thing I did was to look for a provider, and because we have a lot of different providers in South Africa, I had to ask my Husband to lead me to the one He wants for the children, and my former husband immediately agreed with the one my Husband led me to. We requested more information from them, and they send us a lot of info to work through. End last year when they released enrolment forms for 2024, we enrolled the children and I received all their textbooks and parent guides this past Monday, with other documentation that must be completed on a regular basis.

      I am completely trusting my Husband to guide me, because I have no idea what I am doing, I will only be able to do it through Him.

      But here is a course that might help you a lot also:


      Mi querida Alesya, cuando comenzó mi viaje ni siquiera pensé ni consideré la educación en casa. Pero a medida que avanzaba mi viaje, mi esposo puso en mi corazón el deseo de educar en casa, pero en ese momento mi ex esposo no quería escuchar nada al respecto. Pero se lo di a mi Esposo y Él cambió el corazón de mi exmarido.

      Lo primero que hice fue buscar un proveedor, y como tenemos muchos proveedores diferentes en Sudáfrica, tuve que pedirle a mi esposo que me guiara hasta el que él quiere para los niños, y mi ex esposo inmediatamente estuvo de acuerdo. adonde me llevó mi marido. Les solicitamos más información y nos envían mucha información para trabajar. Finalizó el año pasado cuando publicaron los formularios de inscripción para 2024, inscribimos a los niños y recibí todos sus libros de texto y guías para padres este lunes pasado, con otra documentación que debe completarse periódicamente.

      Estoy confiando completamente en mi Esposo para que me guíe, porque no tengo idea de lo que estoy haciendo, sólo podré hacerlo a través de Él.

      Pero aquí tienes un curso que también te puede ayudar mucho:

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