He Fought for Them

I want to praise my Husband for taking care of our children in ways that cannot be described. For us grown-ups, we don’t always see the obstacles our children face as much of a challenge, but for Him, it is ALL important.

This morning I woke the children up and as we do now every morning since I am homeschooling, is having a cup of coffee together in my bed while we talk about the day. My son mentioned how he could not sleep last night and I know by now that is how he shows he is worried about something. So I asked him what it was. It has been a while now that their stepbrother and stepmother are really on them about the homeschooling and although I have heard from my wonderful Husband to not get upset about this because He is the one who gave me this miracle and no one can take it away, I realize I am not the one that needs to face this every second weekend.

Now the children have moved over to another schooling platform that is a bit different than what they used to have. This one has slide shows and although the children enjoy it very much because they can hear, read, and write which makes learning so much easier, the slides are what the youth would call “cringe” with weird sounds when the slides change and the pictures are funny and so on. I laughed about it because I suggested it would keep them awake and focused. Which I am sure is the reason it was designed that way.

They did not want to take their laptops to their dad today because they were afraid of the comments that would be made and we spoke about it. After our morning coffee, we read the bible and devotionals and the children are doing the My Beloved Child the verse for today was:

"You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged. Tomorrow march out toward them, the Lord will be with you.” 2C20:17

Read the whole devotional for today to see how it is so fitting for my children today.

It encouraged them so much, but of course, my Husband did not stop there. The children joined a book club that meets every second Friday of the month and of course, the first Friday they will be meeting will be when they are supposed to be with their dad, so they had to ask him how that would work as I am not involved in the arrangements anymore, another praise I will hopefully share when He leads me.

Let me explain how He solved all their problems in one hour. The first thing my Husband did was change the book club from the 2nd to the 1st Friday which means the first few months it falls on my weekend. 🥳

The 2nd He did was have the books they needed to be delivered today! It was supposed to come next week. He helped them finish all their work for this week, which means they don’t have to take anything to their dad except their book club book to read and enjoy tomorrow. Their dad is big on reading and the book looks super interesting which means it will soften his heart when book club falls on his Friday.

Their Father showed them He will protect them, they need not fight and He will provide for them, sometimes immediately. This is so encouraging and to see my children experiencing it firsthand is lovely. Without me intervening or trying to defend or anything. There are no words to describe how elated I am at the moment.



3 thoughts on “He Fought for Them”

  1. es muy interesante , ya Q no me esperaba recibir animo y guía así , para que el señor me respondiera de esa manera , iré para que el me ayudará , y la verdad Q yo quiero Acer mi parte y dejar al señor que aga lo que el solo sabe hacer ,

    It’s very interesting, since Q didn’t expect me to receive encouragement and guidance like that, for the lord to respond to me in that way, I’ll go so that he will help me, and the truth is that I want to do my part and leave it to the lord to do what he is very interesting, since Q didn’t expect me to receive encouragement and guidance like that, so that the Lord would answer me in that way, I will go so that He will help me, and the truth is that I want to do my part and leave it to the Lord to do what He alone knows how to do,

  2. Yvonne, thank you for sharing. I haven’t been to HGM in a while, and thought I would visit. Then I stumbled upon your greatly praise. How wonderful that He just works everything out for us. 💕

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