My First Love

FULL BOOK 1 My First Love "Closer than a Brother" for ADULTS

“My First Love”

When growing up, Erin desperately wanted to be a nun because she heard nuns were “married to God.” Deep in her heart, there was a longing she couldn’t understand until she was much older. Very soon, however, Erin changed her mind the instant she discovered nuns had no children of their own. 

Erin absolutely loved babies. She loved to make them laugh, to see them smile and giggle when she crawled after them across the floor. Erin played with baby dolls long after she was considered too old to play with dolls. Her favorite game was pretending her baby dolls were all her own babies. Did you know that God said, "Children are a gift from God... a reward!" Erin not only loved babies but she loved gifts and rewards, don’t you?! 

Yet, as much as she loved babies and wanted to have a house full of her own children, Erin still had this deep-down longing to feel closer to God. Her love for Him began the day she discovered He wanted to be her Best Friend. 

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to the Lord, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads you—pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned

Post your Praise 🥳

From GOD, Your Father!!

1 thought on “B1C1 My First Love “Closer than a Brother””

  1. Je me souviens une chose dans mon enfance ma mère qui nous faisait répéter la prière du notre père . Un jour je suis sortie de la maison alors que mes parents regarder la télé j’ai levé les yeux au ciel et je disais tu as dis donne nous notre pain quotidien alors donne moi un pain maintenant… je n’avais que 5 ans et j’ai attendu 1 heure et le pain n’est jamais tombé du ciel . En devenant chrétienne j’ai compris que le pain quotidien était sa parole .

    I remember something in my childhood, my mother who made us repeat our father’s prayer. One day I left the house while my parents were watching TV I looked up to the sky and I said you said give us our daily bread so give me a loaf of bread now… I was only 5 years old and I I waited 1 hour and the bread never fell from the sky. By becoming a Christian I understood that daily bread was his word.

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